
SBS boss firm on advertising

SBS Managing Director Shaun Brown says public broadcasters will suffer a “slow and painful death by irrelevance” if they are prevented from accepting advertising to fund increasing demands for digital and online content.

Speaking at a conference in the Bahamas, Brown has defended SBS’ decision to move advertising mid-programme, even though he acknowledges it annoys viewers.

“The advocates of no change complain loudly but they are not willing to engage in a meaningful debate about the funding crisis facing public broadcasting,” he said.

The change had brought the broadcaster $10m in revenue. This has occurred at a time when there has been no government increase in real terms.

“Television and radio are both going digital with additional channels, and online has been a reality for some time — yet none of these new services are receiving additional government funding,” he said.

“To decline to provide these services because of the absence of funding would be to unfairly penalise the audiences we seek to serve. To continue to add new services without extra funding inevitably means funds being transferred away from traditional areas.”

Source: The Age

13 Responses

  1. I can remember back far enough when SBS had no advertising at all and presenters on the screen gave you information etc about the program just before it started, not just a voice over, it made it different from the other channels, more personal.

    Then we got ads inbetween programs, I think somewhere around the time the government wanted to combine ABC and SBS.

    Now ads during programs, how much longer before they are just another channel 7, 9 or 10.

    It has just gone slowly down hill.

    I have almost stopped watching SBS now they have ad breaks, and their programming has gone down market.


  2. Oh, dear, “anonymous-who-surely-doesn’t-work-at-SBS”.

    A “set time on a set date”? Scroll up and learn about that innovation from the 1970s, the VCR. Or flash forward to today and get a PVR. No need to make an “appointment” to view TV shows – hell, I haven’t done that since 1980.

    As for the supposed $10 million in revenue that’s “helping SBS” – well, if it’s not for programming then tell me, please – what IS it for? Hate to break it to you, anonymous-who-surely-doesn’t-work-at-SBS, but the business SBS is in is BROADCASTING. And guess what they broadcast? Oh, yes. Programs.

    Or should we all be happy and fuzzy that these globally-despised ad breaks are “helping SBS” and rejoice in the fact that this help seems to fund junkets and nothing else? Hmm?

  3. In response to neon kitten:

    You can’t compare watching TV to being in a cinema. When I go to a movie I choose to go at a time and date when I have no commitments – most movies have many sessions throughout the day, every single day of the week. Compare this to a movie shown on SBS – it’s at a set time on a set date. I am happy knowing that if I have to get up to do something, I can. It has nothing to do with toilet breaks.

    And by “helping SBS”, I meant financially. Just because you are of the opinion that SBS’s programming is going downhill, doesn’t have anything to do with the ads. The fact is that having these ads “had brought the broadcaster $10m in revenue”

  4. And if you need to go to the bathroom every 15 mins then you definately need to see a Doctor. I hate the ads on SBS. I don’t mind the ads between programmes but don’t like them during programmes. But I don’t agree that SBS is worse than it was. A few years ago it was a complete waste of tax payors money as no show ever rated in the top 100. Now at least they show programmes that appeal to all Australians like Top Gear, Mythbusters, Who Do You Think You Are?.

  5. David, the Bahamas thing got a reaction the same way news of John Howard spending taxpayer dollars on luxury accomodation got headlines. You can’t cry poor and spend big at the same time 🙂

    Trendy, shows like Mythbusters and South Park are obviously made with ad breaks in mind (as is Newstopia, which makes good use of them!) so advertising during those shows is fine by me. It’s the interrupting of shows that AREN’T meant to have ad breaks, from Rockwiz to PBS Frontline docos to Top Gear – and of course movies – that annoys and angers me.

    And anyonymous, if you can’t commit yourself to the TV for a whole HOUR, well, I feel sorry for you at the cinema then. Sheesh, is society that restless these days? If you can’t sit through a 50 minute show without rushing off to go to the bathroom or find food or whatever, try something innovative from the 1970s – *record it* and watch it later at your leisure.

    And if these ads are “helping SBS”, why has their standard of programming gone down the toilet?

  6. Why does everyone have a problem with ads on SBS?

    First of all, they already had ads before, except they had them in 5 minute blocks before every show. Can’t you see the problem? Not many people are going to sit through 5 minutes of ads between programmes, they would more likely switch over to another channel. And I might add that the 5 minutes of ads started at the advertised starting time of the programme, which was also bad.

    Second of all, I like them having ad breaks. SBS’s ad breaks are pretty short.

    Thirdly, I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t want to sit through a 1 hour+ programme and not be able to get up without missing any of the show. Having ad breaks gives people the chance to be able to do something, I wouldn’t want to commit myself to watch the TV for 1 hour straight.

    And fourthly, having these small breaks obviously is helping SBS – isn’t that a good thing?

  7. My opinion may not be worth much since all i watch on SBS is Mythbusters, South Park and Newstopia (and maybe the odd show here and there, very rare though).

    I love the ad breaks, especially for 1 hour shows, like mythbusters, that way i can go to the toilet or get a drink without missing the show.

    Whether its ads or the test pattern, a short break every 15mins is good, if SBS gets a little $$ so i can have a bathroom break even better.

  8. The money they raised for ads partially went toward the saga of the World News last year….what a wonderful investment that was…now we have lost Mary and Stan has quit.

  9. Brown is a moron, and as usual completely incorrect. All PSBs need is more money from governments. The fed govt coudl in the writing of one cheque rid the ABC and SBS of al their money woes…they don’t because of government ambivilance toward the pub broadcasters, whcih are their chief rivals.

  10. I agree, times change but the gov is usually years behind what society dictates.
    People who complain of course watch the major networks maybe even cable and they are used to adds. Its a part of life, they have to make money to keep the shows they like to watch alive. On some nights SBS has even out rated channel 10 and still people watch.
    Although it is hard to take a man seriously when he is at a seminar in the Bahamas, man I bet that trip must have sucked 😛

  11. “Speaking at a conference in the Bahamas…”

    That sums up just how ridiculous this whole situation is. Oh, poor little SBS is so strapped for cash. So cash-poor they have to annoy 100% of their viewers by interrupting shows at inappropriate times with ads for erectile disfunction. Yet their Managing Director defends his network’s position. From the sodding BAHAMAS.

    Brown, you absolute moron, this is PUBLIC television. PUBLIC money. Which means it is a network owned by, yes, you guessed it, YOUR VIEWERS. Those viewers have been saying all along “we don’t want shows interrupted by ads”. And you refuse to listen, seeing instead the dollar signs that might lead to SBS becoming an even more corporate creature.

    So this extra $10 million, where’s it gone? Not on programming, that’s for sure – there are more repeats on SBS now than ever before.

    Oh, and Brown – SBS died a “slow and painful death by irrelevance” years ago. It’s a sad, pathetic shell of what it once was.

    Or is dedicating Friday nights to tits-and-arse docos, shows and movies relevant? Yes, folks, this is the channel that aired a 10-part drama series on the sex trafficing of young Eastern European girls as SOFT PORN. Compete with saxophone porn music playing out into the commercial break where better erections could be achieved with the help of a wonder drug.

    Pathetic, Brown. Utterly pathetic.

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