
Insight in America

For only the second time in its history, Insight will broadcast from outside Australia.

Following on from Foreign Correspondent‘s visit to the Democratic and Republican Conventions, SBS’ Insight will also head to the US to present a special look at the US Presidential Campaign.

It is only the second time the show has broadcast from outside Australia, previously presenting one from Jakarta in 2005.

Jennie Brockie will host a forum of US commentators and swinging voters.

It airs on Tuesday September 23rd.

A week later there is another US edition focusing on young people.

Press Release:
As America goes to the polls to choose its new president, Insight travels to the US to give voters their say on Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain.

Jenny Brockie hosts this special episode of Insight in America from New York. A diverse group of opinion leaders and members of the American public will discuss the candidates and their policies, the impact of the economic downturn and whether the current support for Barack Obama will translate into votes.

Studio guests will include Leslie Sanchez (Republican strategist), Cornell Belcher (Obama pollster), Rita E. Hauser (Republicans for Obama), John Martin (a war veteran and Republican voting for Obama) and Chris Cox (a New York Republican financier), plus swinging voters from key battleground states representing those who will ultimately decide the result.

Don’t miss Insight’s unique look at the American election. Next week: a second special episode of Insight in America, focusing on young people.

This is the second time Insight has recorded episodes outside Australia, having recorded an episode in Jakarta in 2005 in the lead-up to the Indonesian election.

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