
Darklands turns its profile

Beyond the Darklands brings forward a profile case on Andrew Veniamin, featuring an interview with Roberta Williams next week.

rwill1Seven’s Beyond the Darklands episode that looks at the life of Andrew ‘Benji’ Veniamin will air next Wednesday night at 9:30pm.

As previously noted here, the show features an exclusive interview with Roberta Williams, who reportedly says Veniamin was her ‘soulmate.’

Labelled an ‘underworld executioner’, Veniamin died in 2004, though his murder was later ruled as self-defence. Last year aspects of his life were depicted in Underbelly in a portrayal by actor Damian Walshe-Howling.

Last night Beyond the Darklands won its timeslot with 976,000 viewers, ahead of Cold Case and Life.

Screening a profile story in the second week of the series will doubtless benefit Seven more than stories with lesser-known subjects.

The series is produced by Screentime, the same makers of Underbelly.

3 Responses

  1. wish i got the chance to meet you benji i look up to you so much i use to get picked on all the time but after seeing you made me grow some balls RIP Andrew ‘Benji’ Veniamin. i dont know you but yet you have helped me so much thank you

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