
Graham Norton gets exterminated

After viewers blasted the BBC for an on air promo plugging Graham Norton during Doctor Who, the UK host restores the imbalance.

Recently during an episode of Doctor Who in the UK, fans were furious with a BBC promotion for The Graham Norton Show.

Viewers weren’t happy their beloved Who was being infested with on-screen clutter regardless of what the show was for, and they rang the BBC in droves of protest.

In response to the complaints, Norton has now restored the imbalance with his own inimitable style.

A new Graham Norton Show is currently airing on ABC2 at 9:30pm on Thursdays.

14 Responses

  1. Belinda he “ruined” the last few minutes of the Time of Angels (the ep we get here in Australia this week) fans were mainly upset because it was the cliff-hanger for the first two-parter for the 11th doctor!!! It was the “Over the Rainbow” promo and believe me the chatrooms went wild about it!!
    Interestingly it was only the English that got the little dancing Graham Norton – friends and who fans in Wales wondered what all the fuss was all about!!

  2. The episode the trail appeared in was “The Time of Angels” which is the one that’s coming up on ABC this weekend. Though of course, the ABC wouldn’t be so foolish as to commit the same mistake.

  3. Speaking of Graham Norton. ONE’s Thursday Night Live has copied one of his segments. When Graham has someone from the audience sit in the red chair and if the story is boring or whatever Graham pulls a lever and the chair rolls back. Thursday Night Live does the exact same thing, with the exception the chair is green.

  4. Love Graham Norton and his show is usually “laugh out loud” funny …
    Aussie “commedians” could learn a hell of a lot from him …

  5. This wasn’t the first time GN intruded on Doctor Who…UK viewers watching first episode “Rose” of the new series were perplexed by the sound of GN’s voice from a TV show he was recording at the time leaching through to the DW broadcast! He definitely deserves to be exterminated! 😉

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