
Airdate: Stop. Rewind.

Go back to the future and take stock of what the past thought the present would look like.

This series goes back to the future as it takes stock of what the past thought the present would look like.

How right were they? What were the breakthrough discoveries nad what were the fads that fell over?

And should we all add 3D television to that list now?

Planes, trains, fast cars, high-tech homes, space exploration – Stop. Rewind is a television journey that plots the most innovative 25 years in human history.

From the giant leap forward in technology from the mid-1980s to the beginning of the 21st century, Stop. Rewind explores those ideas, discoveries, breakthroughs, dead-ends and eureka moments that shaped the latter part of the 20th century and laid the groundwork for the 21st.

Stop. Rewind reflects on what the 80s and 90s generations thought the future would deliver and considers what we’ve ended up with.

Twenty-five years ago the world was a very different place – no digital, no dot-com, no cell phones, no blogs, tweets, nor many of the tech innovations that we now take for granted.

Using images shot over the past quarter century Stop. Rewind showcases the hilarious and often hapless ideas that fell by the wayside and those innovations that really were a preview into the future.

Each themed episode shows the development of a tech industry, documenting how each latched onto new technology, materials, and designs to eventually become the common gadgets, goods and services we know today.

In tonight’s opening episode Stop. Rewind looks at robots – they promised so much – but sadly it’s still a work in progress. Since the 50s we’ve been told a bold new world of robots was supposed to be around the corner – performing all those tasks no human would ever dirty themselves with.

But it’s not been through lack of trying – robots have revolutionised industry and they’ve even created robotic pets – but the ultimate aim – to create an independent, thinking, humanoid robot – is still coming…

It airs 6pm Wednesday September 22nd on ABC2.

9 Responses

  1. I remember watching the show Beyond 2000 during the early 90s which showed what the future would be like, and yet, humanity has not achieved at this stage what was predicted, in terms of technological advances.

  2. What a great idea for a tv show. It reminds me of Alvin Tofler’s best-selling book, “Future Shock”, first published in 1970 (my dad had a copy). How many of his predictions have come true? Mind you, the guy did predict information overload and the impact of too much change over a short period.

  3. This might be good. I used to watch Toward/Beyond 2000 which often said that some new thing would be in the shops within a year or two. I’m still waiting for my sonic washing machine.

  4. “so you can watch it whenever you like.” – Ah, those of us who have to wait 60 seconds to download a Word document – to download a TV program? 3 weeks? I wonder if I will be able to access broadband Internet sometime in the next 20 years?

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