
What have they done to Good News Week?

Can we have it back now please?

Jump the Shark: “In its initial usage, it referred to the point in a television program’s history where it has “outlived its freshness” where viewers feel “the writers have run out of ideas” and that “the series has [lost] what made it attractive.”These changes were often the result of efforts to revive interest in a show whose audience had begun to decline. – Wikipedia.

77 Responses

  1. I like all the talent involved in the show, and really wanted it to go well for them.
    I tuned in excited to enjoy whatever they were bringing next, but I was dissapointed. It was the same humour from GNW that I enjoy, but none of the best part which is the banter between all the hosts and guests in a game show format. It was just all scripted. I hope someone wakes up and tries to bring back the best parts.
    And who doesnt like Paul McDermott singing? You’re crazy, I enjoy it all the time, he’s got a good voice when he sings. 🙂

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