
Brynne objects to “salacious” magazine story

Brynne Edelsten has released a Statement responding a story in today's Woman's Day.

Brynne Edelsten has released a Statement responding a story in today’s Woman’s Day which reports on her life in Scottsdale, Arizona, prior to her marriage to Geoffrey Edelsten.

There’s a lot of irony in being the subject of a fly-on-the-wall series but objecting to media coverage (be careful what you wish for?), but I am happy to publish the statement in full:

When will the nonsense end? If I wasn’t so upset, I would almost be amused at the lengths the media will go to in an effort to write salacious gossip.

I refer to the Woman’s Day article that appeared today suggesting that I was a stripper in a club in Arizona. In response, I have questions, “If I was a stripper and I’m not, what’s the crime?” Secondly did you see me on Dancing With The Stars? … seriously!

Some weeks ago I was made aware of an online blog that emanates out of the US, the blog asked the question as to how a “fat pig” like her (me) could have their own television show Downunder? A “journalist”, (I use the description loosely), from ACP magazines immediately posted in the blog , advising that anyone who could come up with information about me and my life before getting married, would be paid for their trouble.

The result is that several people from my hometown have come forward and I know for a fact, they were paid for comments. The result is a story is completely full of inaccuracies. The sources are sadly very unreliable for a whole host of reasons, but I’m not here to judge how others live their lives.

My management contacted the said “journalist” offering assistance if they were looking for a story and were told, “oh it’s just routine when someone breaks out internationally that we do some research”. Interestingly Woman’s Day have never contacted my management for comment or confirmation of the story.

Woman’s Day , say that they didn’t pay for the comments but that they “paid for the images”…. The images are readily available on my personal Facebook page… I know what they paid so….more fool them!

I could go on and correct all of the errors, I could name and shame the people who have been paid for their comments but frankly, what I’ve learnt in my short time in the media is that at the end of the day, the media will always write, say and show what they think gets ratings or sells magazines and newspapers.

Today my management has been approached by press, radio and television outlets all wanting “my side of the story” – some have even offered money. The irony…

I know that even this quote will be broken up and distorted by many in order to “fit the page” , or to get “sound bites” that make the story more interesting.

The truth won’t sell magazines or newspapers, but here it is…I was employed as a cocktail waitress.

I’m bored by the salacious gossip, my family are hurt by it … it’s rarely true, it’s often nasty, but apparently it’s the price of celebrity!

Brynne Edelsten

10 Responses

  1. So according to Brynne no one should pay attention to stories about her from people in her home town because they were paid, but it’s just fine to watch her “reality” TV show and believe everything she says and does on it?

    The statement is not “well written”, it’s appallingly written, Brynne is not “awesome”, she’s embarrassingly vacuous and boring.

  2. I love her self-depreciating humour “did you see me on Dancing With the Stars?”
    Proof that the gossip mongers don’t even think about the plausibility of their statements.

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