
Redfern Now: Nov 14

This week's episode centres around a young couple, portrayed by Meyne Wyatt & Caren Pistorious, and tackles post-natal depression.

5rdfThis week’s episode of Redfern Now centres around a young couple, portrayed by Meyne Wyatt & Caren Pistorious, and tackles post-natal depression.

After welcoming their first child, a son, Janine and Justin’s hopes for their new life quickly unravel as Janine, with no family support of her own, finds it more of a challenge than she expected. The child won’t settle, won’t feed, won’t sleep, and her sense of isolation is exacerbated by the feeling that Justin’s parents disapprove of him marrying a white girl. Sleep deprivation and the end of her once ordered life place a strain on her relationship with both her new son and her husband.

And Justin’s insistence that caring for a child should come naturally to all women doesn’t help – sparking a huge argument that sees him storm off for some much needed ‘peace and quiet’.

And then their son goes missing. The authorities are called, and a media blitz begins. As the days roll on and there’s no word or even a clue as to the child’s whereabouts, suspicion switches to the parents, especially when a neighbour says that the baby had been crying all hours of the day and night. And then, during a media plea, when Janine reveals they hadn’t named their son, it fuels further suspicion.

8:30pm Thursday ABC1.

2 Responses

  1. Hi …Just watched the story regarding Justin and Janine…I understood the postnatal side of it and the deception it was very interesting….What I thought was a little bizzare was that we did not get told were the baby had been or what happened that he did go missing

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