
Episodes begins on ABC2

Episodes begins from Season 1, but later seasons may be a Free to Air premiere.


ABC2 will screen UK / US comedy Episodes starring Matt LeBlanc from Season 1.

This has previously played on Nine, but later seasons aired on UKTV. That bodes well for ABC to screen subsequent seasons further down the track.

Sean and Beverly Lincoln are appalled when their highbrow, award-winning British comedy about a boarding school headmaster is developed into a goofy American sitcom called Pucks! starring Matt LeBlanc.

9pm Thursday on ABC2.

9 Responses

  1. Enjoyed all of season 1 and was pleased that season 2 seamlessly followed on. But, Hey! What happened last Thursday night (9th June)… It seems the Chaser’s Election Desk has muscled out Episodes. No apology, no warning, just gone! Nowhere near good enough ABC. I bet Episodes doesn’t return after the election.

  2. I really hope they air the later seasons that went to foxtel. I really loved this show & was really annoyed that again, a show I liked went to foxtel. It happens far too often.

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