
Four Corners: Feb 6

Four Corners returns for 2017 with an exploration of how President Donald Trump will wield his power.

Four Corners returns for 2017 with an exploration of how President Donald Trump will wield his power.

Through interviews with key players in the Trump camp and the Republican Party, reporter Michael Brissenden examines the political earthquake rippling across America.

“My best advice for everyone is to strap in…” Former Trump Adviser

“This is a man who defies all tradition and all precedent. He is operating on his own rules, on his own instincts and I think a lot of people are having trouble keeping up.” Former US Assist. Secretary of State

“It makes a lot of people nervous…I think there’s no question.” Former US Assist. Secretary of State

In his first assignment for Four Corners, reporter Michael Brissenden draws on his experience during his time as the ABC’s Washington correspondent to explain just how revolutionary the presidency of Donald Trump is.

“I first came to Washington as a correspondent just after the inauguration of Barack Obama. America’s first black president took office promising hope and change … But this is the real watershed moment. Donald Trump’s change is disruptive and confrontational.” Michael Brissenden

He talks to those who know Trump well, asking how we should read the President’s actions.

“Donald Trump warned us from the very beginning that he’s gonna break some eggs and that’s you know…that’s what he’s doing.” Former Trump Adviser

And explores what a Trump presidency means for key issues like climate change and foreign policy.

“In our recent history, and perhaps throughout our entire history, we’ve never had a president come into office with such an unpredictable style of communication and with such alarm among our closest allies and friends.” Former National Security Adviser

Trump supporters are still savouring the President’s victory.

“We’ve needed change for a long time. We’re going to get it now. America’s going to be number one again and we’re going to get that change and we’re going to get what we want.” Trump campaign worker

While Trump’s opponents vow to fight him every step of the way in Congress and in the courts.

“If the new administration and the Republican majority in Congress thinks that this is going to be easy for them to pull the rug out from under Americans that have made that progress, they’re sadly mistaken.” Senior Democrat Congresswoman

Monday 6th February at 8.30pm.

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