
First Review: The Biggest Loser

I must admit I was never a big follower of The Biggest Loser and I’m probably not likely to be again. It’s just a concept I don’t care for, but clearly plenty of Aussies do. The show was a surprise hit for Ten in 2006, and I for one doubted they could wring nightly storylines from what was previously a weekly show.

My personal taste doesn’t mean I can’t give a fair appraisal of this debut episode of Series Two. Because in fact, it’s actually very good.

Minor spoilers follow. Here again are fourteen chubbies (sorry there just isn’t any other way to say it when the show keeps focussing on their physique). Their personal stories are uniformly heart-tugging stuff. Lost a marriage. Ridiculed in public. Can’t hold down a relationship. Or even fearing they are at death’s door. This is not just an aspirational show, it’s an empathetic one. There’ a bit of us in all (?) of them. We’d all secretly like to look better.

It’s also much nicer to see non-celebrities here. As their personalities emerge there is more to learn, unlike celebs who only share in dribs and drabs.

After the 14 arrive at the White House, the American style mansion that will be home for 11 weeks, they are whisked off to a feast. And what a feast. It’s like a kids party and dinner party all in one, bursting with donuts, chocolate, chicken, lasagna, fairy bread, hot dogs etc. I couldn’t believe this lot all sat down and gorged. Don’t they know what show they are on? Where was the self-control? In any case they did exactly what the producers wanted. They looked like pigs.

After the weigh in (and a humiliating near-naked time for all on camera) they are divided into teams and given two Aussie trainers. That’s right it’s not the Americans. Yet. The Aussie male instructor, “Shannon,” actually surpasses “Bob” as resident hunk. Expect to hear more about him.

The production values on this premiere are excellent. Nice camera shots, moody music, building of drama. This doesn’t look el cheapo Ten at all.

I don’t promise to watch every night, but I may well pop back from time to time based on this premiere.

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