
Has 9 Gotcha?

Matt Tilley is shooting a pilot of an old game show format for Nine, to be titled Surprise, Surprise to be titled Gotcha!

The Austereo host currently has a similar segment on his morning radio programme on FOX FM.

The television version will target celebrities.

Sounds a lot like other Candid Camera style shows really, and gee haven’t we seen them before? Who remembers Catch Us If You Can (Shirley Strachan), Just Kidding (Steve Jacobs)? Only two years ago Ten tried out Stooged (Rob Mills) and that lasted about all of two weeks.

But Tilley, who last appeared on Comedy Inc and the short-lived Chat Room for Seven, has mates at Nine, where former Austereo boss Gary Pert is now running the Melbourne station. It is also developing The Nation with Mick Molloy.

Surprise, Surprise was also a Channel 0 gameshow hosted by Tommy Hanlon Jr.

Nine’s celebrity sting show may well be a non prime-timer and introduce sponsor products too (Nine’s current agenda is for shows that pay for themselves). But I dunno. Sometimes radio spots make for great radio.

Source: Sunday Herald-Sun

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