
Returning: Veronica Mars

That cluey gal with all the attitude is finally returning to TEN.

Veronica Mars is back from Friday October 26, in the bewitching timeslot of 11:05pm. But at least she’s back.

“President Evil,” the fifth ep in Season Three will resume the series.

There are fifteen more episodes thereafter.

Since the show has been off-air there have been more than a few requests about the programming of this series, and I am relieved to bring you the good news. Hope you are all pleased!

UPDATED: No longer returning! See later posts.

Kindly link to this website when sourcing or posting in messageboards, thanks!

10 Responses

  1. Hmm… Are Channel 10 just teasing us VM fans? I was so excited to find out it was going to be back on, now it looks like it’s been pulled BEFORE it’s returned!! Come on 10!! Get it together, let us PLEASE finish this series!!!

  2. For those in Sydney & Melbourne (and anyone willing to travel!) there is a convention coming up really soon that Michael “Sheriff Lamb” Muhney will be attending! I’m really looking forward to finally meeting him! EEEEEEE!!!!!
    Check out http://www.thehubproductions.com for more information!
    Hope to see some of you there! :)

  3. Its about time. And i hope the Channel 10 actually air it this time and not cancel it again. And i hope they finsih out the series too. I love this show, and i am heaps happy its starting again :)

  4. It’s a good final season for VM, but sadly the vast majority of the show’s Australian fans have seen the whole thing long ago via “illegal” downloads.

    Ten’s timeslot for it this time around basically says they couldn’t care less about the show, so I hope nobody’s expecting it to see out the rest of the season. Remember The Shield, people, remember The Shield.

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