
Vale: Andrew Harwood

Former Australian quiz show host Andrew Harwood has died, aged 62.

He died after a severe asthma attack.

Harwood was a long-running host of children’s quiz programme, It’s Academic from 1972- 1978.

He also appeared on Jeopardy, The Paul Hogan Show, Class of 82, Class of 83, Good Morning Sydney and served as a radio announcer and Seven voice over annnouncer.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald

4 Responses

  1. God, its the 23rd of September 2011. I just found out now Andrew had died. I just have no idea how I had not heard of Andrew’s passing until now. I am very fussy as to who I listen to on talkback radio. I am a huge fan of someone who can clearly articulate what they are saying. Andrew of course could do just that.
    I am so glad that I called in to Andrew’s programme twice. We had friendly banter with Australian surfing champ Mark Occhilipo’s name. I loved it how Andrew would say, come on, jump on the blower and give us a call. I said to him that at times you might struggle to get callers because their all literally jumping on the blower. I was flattered that he would occasionally say not to literally jump on the blower.

    So a very big RIP to Andrew Harwood. Bet him and Stan are gas bagging up there.
    Steve M

  2. Andrew was probably the best mate that a man could have. He was generous to a fault, not just with his money (when he had it), but with his time and his invaluable advice. I met Andrew when he first started at 2UE in 1979, and as a fan of It’s Aacademic and Jeopardy, I was keen to assist him with his program.

    Andrew was one of those rare people who really understood why people listen to talk back radio, and why certain people were successful and why others were not. Andrew always delivered ( ratings wise) but was rarely appreciated by management. He was an entertainer who beleived that peope wanted more fun and humour and less hard news. He was right.

    Although suffering with chronic asthma and lymphodimia, Andrew was always positive, even to the end. He would say to me “Never mind, there are better days ahead”.

    Vale mate, I loved you man.

  3. I only found out in the list of those who have passed this year on the Logies.
    I worked with Andrew many years ago when he was running the PR company Causeway International. Andrew was a sensational person to work with and great mentor as well.
    He will be great missed.

  4. Antoher well known face from my childhood gone. I used to love It’s Academic and I can still hear Andrew’s voice. I’m not sure what he has been up to in recent years – but sympathy to his loved ones.

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