
Heroes: "Villains" trailer

Season three of Heroes is entitled Heroes: Villains, and will open in the US with a two-hour episode, set to air Monday, September 22.

“Villains” was originally designed to be included within the second season; however, due to the writers’ strike, the volume was carried over into season three.

Meanwhile plans for spin-off Heroes: Origins were dropped altogether.

2 Responses

  1. Here’s to hoping Kring and the creative team get things back on track after that horrendous second season. The only good parts of that were Elle’s screen time and the scenes involving Matt Parkman tapping further into his powers. I hope they bring back the rapid pace and adrenaline that season one had. They’ve had since December to work on this season now, that’s WAY more time to work on it.

  2. So any chance ch7 will fast track it?

    I wonder if they will call Heroes 2.09 the “Season Premiere” LOL

    Sad thing is I may have to rely on them as Telstra is withdrawing ISDN later this year leaving me little option but to go back to dial up.

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