
Normal programming resumes

The summer break is over. TV Tonight resumes normal programming.

From today TV Tonight puts away the pina coladas and resumes normal programming.

With the exception of bigger breaking stories you would have noticed the pace of ‘summer blogging’ has been largely confined to ‘once-a-day’ updates (behind the scenes there wasn’t much of a break anyway!).

Today the site returns to its regular pace. If last year you used to visit several times a day for fresh news, here is your alert that it is back on the agenda. As the ratings season looms just 3 weeks away and publicists are trickling back to their desks, remember it may take another week or so before news is churning at full capacity.

This is also a good time to remind some readers of Comments Policy. Please remember that CAPS / SHOUTING are not permitted, along with links. This is due to an increasing habit on blogs to use comments as a phony marketing exercise for other sites. Some also seek to stand out from the crowd with SHOUTING and various html coding, so the site adheres to a text-only policy.

I would also ask readers to be economic with spacing in comments. Some comments tend to have a lot of single sentences, which when added to other posts makes the section very long. A short para or two is preferred.

Ok, that’s the housework out of the way, we’re not here for that.

Let’s get back to fresh news, programming and havin’ a bit of fun.


7 Responses

  1. Oops, I LOL’d at a post. Does that mean I broke the caps rule?

    Will the number of posts increase or decrease once ‘regular’ viewing returns? Seems they make as many changes during ratings season as they do outside of it.

  2. Thanks David. Good to have you back, although im not so sure that you actually took a break, not that im complaining. Without you David i seriously would have no idea about whats going on in the TV industry.

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