
Axed: The All in Call

7HD cancels new ideas again. Seven has hung up on its Sunday Night off-shoot, just weeks after it began.

aicThe Seven Network has hung up on The All In Call, its 7HD off-shoot of Sunday Night.

The show was a forum for debate, opinions and further dissection of stories that had featured in the premium show using hosts, reporters, guests, live audience and viewer emails.

Last Sunday it did not appear when Seven abandoned its usual current affairs format for a “Beating the Recession” special.

Now the show is out altogether, with 7HD resuming telecasting of normal programming, with Border Security.

TV Tonight understands the discussions will now be integrated into  Sunday Night’s final segment -in much the same way as the letters segment closes 60 Minutes. Logically, it won’t have anywhere near the same time for exchanges of ideas as The All In Call nor will it necessarily touch upon all the stories featured the same night.

This is the second time Channel Seven has dabbled with original programming on 7HD only to axe it a few weeks later. Last year it pulled the pin on The Night Cap, also produced by Sunday Night‘s co-producer, Adam Boland.

Last month Boland enthused about the off-shoot experiment to TV Tonight saying, “Rather than just allow the stories to disappear into the galaxy this allows the audience to have more of a role.

“TV should never be seen anymore as just a box in the corner. We have to get into the real world and the reality is the audience has views and wants to talk to us. And if shows don’t listen to the audience they shouldn’t be on air. This show will listen to the audience as two way traffic.”

Purposeful use of multi-channelling continues to dog Seven. So far it is yet to indicate any future for its other 7HD show, Andrew O’Keefe’s This is Your Laugh.

It’s set to limp out at midnight on Tuesday nights following short-lived US sitcom Carpoolers.

18 Responses

  1. I can’t believe it!! The All in Call was fantastic! Channel TEN are idiots for scrapping it – Channel 7 is losing to TEN’s “So You Think You Can Dance” in the 7:30 primetime schedule

  2. All in call was the best thing about sunday night.
    oh well you can’t expect anything rational to come from seven after they axed the night cap and still give us the cheapest form of local tv night after night, the boarder security, RSPCA animal rescue style shows.

  3. I can’t believe it!!

    The All in Call was fantastic!

    Channel 7 are f***ing idiots for dropping it – it wouldn’t have even cost anything to make!!

  4. i don’t think this is true. i was in the audience in the ice-man, CF love, BMX episode. i think it was adam boland or some guy in charge was on the mic filling in time and mentioned that the format of the all in call will be changed in a few weeks. it will be recorded straight after the main show for about 2 hours and then edited and cut down to a 1/2 hour and played during the day the following week. it will still be livestreamed on the internet.

    they said it was because it just wasn’t working this way they were only getting one call and a few qu’s in. in my episode the show went for about an hour after the televised bit did and they kept going with calls, email ect. so i think it would be a great idea they would get so much out of an edited version.
    and having it the week after would leave time to cut in some updates.

  5. It was never going to rate on HD … so why pull it all of a sudden?

    It worked well and it could have grown with the audience – and the viewers as HD builds.

  6. In itself, this isn’t a big deal because nobody watches 7HD. But it will be interesting to see how Boland reacts. He hasn’t been happy with the freedom he’s been getting at Seven for about a year now. The All in Call was keeping him sane because he got to experiment and play without too much meddling. He won’t be happy.

  7. Little surprised by this one – after all Border Security is beating 60 minutes on the main channel so having something different on the HD Channel was not “eroding” the main channel’s audience.

    Might have to do with Sunday Night not doing that well in Sydney – which does raise some other interesting questions about Sunday Night’s longevity if it cannot win in the main market. Last week in Sydney, It finished 3rd in the timeslot

  8. how do they even know it rated poorly, last i heard the ratings for HD stations were not being measured, and if they are now where exactly are they being reported? from what i saw of the all in call there was barely any participation allowed from the audience at home, a few emails and maybe one phone call, so why would you bother trying to get in touch with them when there is little to no chance you would get your point on air. i only watch this is your laugh to see the insane outfits AOK wears, where on earth would anyone buy stuff like that, surely no self respecting store would sell such eye-sores, are they made just for him?

  9. hmm not a fan of the comments being read from bottom to top in date order, a bit confusing.

    Anyway on the topic of 7HD, i have a great idea for 7.

    Why not simulcast 7HD on their second SD channel, that was 7HD will have a bigger audience.

  10. I liked the All in Call too!

    But you have to under stand that channel 7 aren’t axing the all in call, they’re axing 7HD multi-channeling. In the last couple of weeks they’ve gone from 8 or 9 hours a day to 3 or 4 and at unearthly hours.

  11. Note to Channel 7, don’t launch a new show on a channel that you know has a limited audience and limited ratings data, and then pull it two weeks later! It’s backflips like this that lead to parodies of things like Freeview ads because if the networks aren’t going to take it seriously then why should anyone else

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