
Airdate: Forecast for Disaster

In the months and days leading up to Black Saturday, The Weather Channel was monitoring a disaster in the making.

not-far-from-drouinThe Weather Channel will screen a documentary special that seeks to explain the weather conditions behind Australia’s worst-ever bushfires.

John Wood will narrate this look at how the weather created a storm of destruction that saw Black Saturday’s bushfires on February 7 claim more than 170 lives and scorch 400,000 hectares.

In the months and days leading up to Black Saturday, The Weather Channel was monitoring a disaster in the making.

In Forecast for Disaster The Weather Channel’s meteorological experts, survivors, fire scientists and the Country Fire Authority’s Chief Officer Russell Rees describe the weather that day and the lead up to it. The documentary includes exclusive material from bushfire survivors, CFA footage and The Weather Channel’s own coverage of events.

There were fireballs racing at up to 120kmh, fire indexes over 200, Victoria’s record temperatures peaking at 48.8’C and up to 100 megawatts of energy per metre.

February’s heatwave broke temperature records across south-eastern Australia and February 7 saw Melbourne endure its hottest day ever, with a 46.4 degree maximum.

“That Saturday, the weather built a stage for disaster. The only thing missing was a spark,” Dick Whitaker says. “When it came, all hell broke loose.

It will air Saturday May 2nd at 6.30pm (AEST) on The Weather Channel.

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