
Airdate: Missing Pieces, You Saved My Life

Nine's new factual series presented by Peter Overton, Tara Brown and Andrew Rochford are heading to Monday nights.

povertonNine has unveiled its two new factual series You Saved My Life and Missing Pieces, set to screen on Monday nights at 7:30pm and 8:00pm from Monday April 20.

Both shows will no doubt be hoping to mirror the success other programmes in the genre, including Seven’s Triple Zero Heroes and Find My Family.

You Saved My Life features Tara Brown and Andrew Rochford and promises to bring together people who have been saved in a life-or-death situation by a total stranger. The first episode includes a train guard who rescued a baby in the middle of the train tracks between Gosford and Newcastle. 26 years later he meets the adult whose life he saved.

A survivor from a Blue Mountains plane crash also meets the stranger who saved her life 18 years ago.

At 8.00pm Missing Pieces reunites family members including a family who have inherited $400,000 but are missing a sister and brother. It also has a bone marrow transplant patient looking for her father as for a blood tissue match.

Nine will have no shortage of subjects for this show, given Seven has been flooded with requests to reunite families. It has strategically scheduled the show on the night before Seven’s airs.

The series is presented by Sydney newsreader Peter Overton.

18 Responses

  1. does anyone know what train station that baby was saved from?
    It looks like lisarow? Or maybe Wyee?
    Not sure, its been on my mind since I watched it!!

  2. following up on copying shows. 7 do a way better job as people watch them.
    TT kills ACA.
    Weekend Sunrise beats Sunday Today
    It Takes Two beats Singing Bee
    Channel 9 find away to stuff up their copies

  3. @ Nick… All I’m going to say is that Animal Emergency is not a copy off RSPCA Animal Rescue! In fact it is the other way around… RSPCA Animal Rescue is a copy off Nine’s Animal Hospital, which was later renamed ‘Animal Emergency’ – Get your facts straight!

  4. Television to an extent is is much the same these days – every reality/variety show has an elimination component, morning/breakfast shows cover the same topics and try to be all light and frothy, renovation shows reward people who’ve had it tough, factuals focus on emotional reunions/saving animals/keeping foreigners out, ACA and TT appeal to “scandals” and law and order (darn those shonky builders! LOL). And if any of these formulas work, naturally the networks will try to emulate others’ success. To varying levels of success, of course!

  5. @ gerry. They’re both as bad, but those formats you listed are news and lifestyle – not much creativity needed it, plus Seven dominates in all of those shows anyway so if you can do something and do it better why not?

    I wanna make a list too… Nine copying seven
    Today on Sunday copies Weekend Sunrise
    Customs copies Border Security
    You Saved My life copies 000 heroes
    Missing pieces copies find my family
    Animal emergency copies RSPCA animal rescue
    Celebrity Singing B copies It takes two
    Splitting straws now but The Strip was Nine’s failed attempt at an aussie crime show like city homicide i reckon.
    Tried to get the same formula like deal or no deal into news by making wheel of f fortune
    Today copies Sunrise’s format now anyway, Sunrise came along and buried Today, so they had to copy them to pick up again.

    In the end its all rubbish, I wish Nine could use some initiative and make some new, appealing shows that are good. Let Seven be the ‘factual’ and the ‘news’ network, come up with something different, especially with their new target audience

  6. IIRC peter overton was selected as host before 9 relised that people don’t like him.

    will check them out to see how much they have copied the original shows from 7 so that i can make a credible complaint the next day :D . but yes i love scrubs and HIMYM. so will not be commiting to them at all.

    i really hope some of 2.5 mens older audience come over to HIMYM and flow onto scrubs.

  7. @ James,

    If you really want to play the copy game, lets:
    Sunday Night copies 60 Minutes
    The Morning Show copies Mornings with Kerri-Anne
    Weekend Sunrise copies Today on Saturday
    and if so, Sunrise copied the Today show in the first place
    Today Tonight copies A Current Affair
    Jamie’s Outdoor Room copies Domestic/Backyard Blitz

    And if you really want to play, Channel Nine existed before Channel Seven, so basically everything on Seven is a copy of Nine.

    Game. Set. Match.

  8. Jim,James and Jed sorry guys but Seven is just as bad copying Nine over the years and of course lately Seven doing an Underbelly clone in Beyond the Darklands and Gangs of Oz ….

  9. Excellent news for HIMYM. It’s already cleaning up in the younger demos, with 2.5 Men gone as its competition hopefully it can continue to improve.

    Ugh, 9 are now on par with 7 with factual crap.

  10. I bet that these will rate 1.3 mill at least, I’m just glad that Customs crap is off air for the moment until Nine can cheaply get Colosimo to dub more of the series

  11. mondays what, if underbellys on after it they should so something else before it. but i guess underbellys season would be over by then. i wont be watching, looks like the same crap lifestyle/over 50s grandmother programs.

    also if they did put it on at the same time then channel 7s, they know sevens will win. i guess Peter Overton isnt that bad, theres nothing wrong if the key people(people that u see on tv, such as newsreaders) r doing other stuff.

  12. Nine really are pathetic. And Peter Overton might be a stupid choice considering he isn’t well liked. But i look forward to seeing Nine’s new list of shows next year, particularly Suburban Homicide, So You Think You Can Mime, and Australia’s Got Skills. They should all be pretty good shows.

  13. I hope these fail big time….

    NIne have no imagination in creating new program – all they do is just copy Seven…

    Like they did with Customs – etc..

  14. should keep nines mondays strong, particularly if they decide to put Sea Patrol after these factuals in Underbellys old spot as I have a feeling they will.

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