★★★★★ 0/5
Hot Seat goes primetime, for now.
Is Nine testing the waters for prime time Eddie?
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
Next Monday night Eddie McGuire’s Hot Seat gets a primetime outing at 8pm, replacing You Saved My Life.
That pushes the show past the 6pm barrier and into primetime television -a bit of a morale boost for the show.
But in the cup and ball programming that is often the Nine Network, You Saved My Life is back a week later.
This would suggest Nine is testing the waters for primetime and / or Eddie McGuire hosted quiz shows in general.
Nine has piloted another format Heads or Tails after it was piggybacked on the back of a US-financed pilot.
- Tagged with Heads or Tails, Hot Seat, You Saved My Life
14 Responses
Well said It is much more suited to 7pm timeslot.
You’ll get the News/ACA viewers tuning in like we had with Sale of the Century and Temptation.
I am also tired of 2.5 men repeats.
Good cheap advertising for an airline company I think.
haha…. just read that the WWTBAM (“Millionaire”) format is owned and licensed by “Sony Pictures Television International”.
Might that make the sony comment mute?
I’ve got it in my head one or two other companies have been mentioned… perhaps emirates.
It’s interesting, if nothing else…
The sony comments are perhaps meant to be considered a cheeky nod to his commercial interests. Similar to if a collingwood supporter was in the seat, and he made a point of congratulating their taste in footy teams, whilst not explicitly mentioning his own connection.
The sony comments weren’t about giving anything free away, but did seem to encourage support for the brand. Its just a fine line, but not sure if there’s anything too sneaky in it.
This is the biggest crock of crap ever and won’t achieve anything.
Lets just see how convenient this is……… shall we?
10 are showing Collingwood V Melbourne til 5:30pm then straight into 1 hr 10 News, which means Hot Seat would get crunched, so if anything this is just a silly ploy to flog a dead horse, I dont think it will do all that well, the format is pretty much dead, too many nights where only $1,000 is given away.
Is there anything to fuss about with Eddie seemingly to plug things all-too often on hotseat.
Last week a female lawyer said she likes to play playstation, and wants a new tv, and Eddie went off on a rant about hooking her up with sony products if she wins.
(just googled Eddie and sony)
….Sony are a sponsor of the collingwood Lexus centre or somesuch.
…anyone else noticed this occuring. Is there anything ‘wrong’ about this do you think?
Didn’t see the episode but does sound very suss. I’m sure Media Watch or Gruen Transfer would be interested.
Timmy, couldn’t of said it better myself!
Ego McGuire = death. When will Nine realise so many people detest the smug p***k?
heard some1 get to the 1m question on monday..Confirmed by eddie on the footy pre-game
Why bother – it won’t make any difference. No promotion on 9, EPG updated only this afternoon, and certainly won’t appear in printed guides in this weekends paper. So viewers waiting for You Saved My Life will be disappointed and tune out and suspect ratings will be 800-900k – which is more than 5.30pm only because there are so many more people watching TV at 8pm.
I agree with Russel.
It is a smart move to test the show at night, before committing to anything big.
I know Hot Seat was design especially for a news lead in (except Brisbane), but I think it is probably more suited to the 7pm. Much better than re-re-re-runs of 2.5 Men IMO.
very smart idea – will give the show great sampling in primetime, and if people like it they might start watching weekdays at 5.30.
This is obviously a tactic to help boost Hot Seat more than it is to help boost Monday’s overall share.