Seven just keeps on Dancing
For the fourth week in a row Seven is extending Dancing with the Stars and dropping filler factuals.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
This one’s getting hard to digest with every passing week. But somewhere there is method in madness…
For the fourth time, Seven is dropping an 8pm Sunday night factual in favour of extending Dancing with the Stars.
This time, Triple Zero Heroes is out for Sunday night as Dancing runs through to 8:30pm.
It follows three previous amendments for Medical Emergency. The logic here is pretty simple: Dancing is working right now and on a competitive night, a factual filler seems an odd choice over another dance routine or a special guest performer. In the world of DWTS sometimes extra guests become available at short notice, so in a live environment it will modify its line-up (especially when they see Monday morning ratings).
The crazy part is that each week Seven thought it was clear to schedule a factual, then dump it, then reschedule it the week after, then dump it…in hindsight it would have been easier to bite the bullet and lock in Dancing for the full two hours.
In any case we’re at the end of the run. The show finishes on September 6th with an extra half hour ending at 9pm.
- Tagged with Dancing with the Stars, Medical Emergency, Triple Zero Heroes
16 Responses
Biggest Boring Pile of Rubbish Ever.How anyone can sit through two to three hours of That I don’t know.
I wouldn’t be surprised that Video Store Business got busier the last three months for people borrowing Movies as an escapism from Crappy Sunday Night Television.
I honestly can’t stand this show and it’s terrible.The 55 to God Only Knows Generation might find it enjoyable but for those of us under that Bring on some real life comedies for a couple of hours or things people want to watch.
The Only Dance Show watch watching is so you think you can dance.DWTS and Dance Your Ass Off are Disgusting
this kind of show suffers here becuase stars are contracted to networks not shows and seven couldnt have someone from one of nine or tens shows on DWTS, for example, a few years ago on the UK version, Fiona Phillips, the host of GMTV on ITV was one of the participants, Strictly Come Dancing as its called in the UK is on BBC1 ..that would be here like Lisa Wilkinson from Today on 9 being on DWTS on Seven, it wouldnt happen in a million years!!
Acutally Paull Jimmy Barnes is on this week and the remaining 4 stars are all doing two dances again (the second a medley of three different dances), plus another dance where they’re all on the floor at once and one by one they are eliminated from the dance until there is one couple left and the best couple will get a bonus 10 points.
A bit of last minute scrambling to top up the show….
Basically what they’re doing is throwing in more ads, I’m sure they are adding barely any actual programming.
Looks like botox gine wrong in the pic of Sonia LOL.
The show goes too long as it is. Expect the 9pm finish to be something like 9.20 without the EPG updating. So that night, be sure to adjust your PVRs if recording from 7.
what i think is funny is how bad the dancing is compared to the dancing on so you think you can dance! and dance has mostly young contestants!
So that means DWTS will finish about 8:40pm this week … again eating into the 8:30pm start time of the final Episode of Bones … ah well will be Timeshift Sunday again then for me.
well its good to see 7 making so many changes and not 9
this show is terrible. i dont know why people watch it. it’s no where near as what the us version is like. they just to keep parading the talentless hacks they have on their network
Clearly we don’t have the same echelon of stars as the US, or money to throw at them. That said, Seven’s has been running longer than ABC’s, including two seasons in some years.
so what is on after the final it at 9pm. bones (R)? whatever it is it will not be starting at 9:00. last year the final went for 3hours.
I agree with you david, its just madness. Just make it 2 hours. Anyways its interesting how the DWTS Finale is goinig Head to Head with idols 1st live perfomance show. I wonder if Idol will increase once there “Super Sunday” Shows start and DWTS is out of the way.
What gets to me is that week after week Australia is actually watching that dribble…