
V: Promo

Don't suppose we can see this in November, please?

V14Airing in the US on November 3rd is the remake of the 1980s sci fi miniseries V, by writers from The 4400 and The X Files.

Look out for Lost’s Elizabeth Mitchell Ipictured) as FBI counter terrorism agent Erica Evans, and Scott Wolf has a TV presenter.

Nine has this title. Don’t suppose we can see it in November, please?

Update: Turns out ABC will only air 4 eps in November with the rest to follow after the Winter Olympics.

22 Responses

  1. I Wish channel 7 had got this. I think all big budget serial US dramas should go to Channel 7 immediately, regardless of contracts. At least it will premiere big, get the buzz going, and even when it dies down be shown in a later slot and continue to be shown

  2. why wouldn’t they fast-track it to GO!, if vampire diaries does well i think they could put eastwick and V on GO all fast-tracked, then it would be a seriously impressive digital channel.

  3. not a chance. This wont see the light of day on FTA – maybe it might make it to Go – eventually.

    Anyway, by all reports, there’s something up with the production of the series (it’s “taking a break” or something?) – I think they’ll be lucky if they make a season from it……

  4. It’d be foolish for Nine to fast track this (they should wait till the new year) and show it on their own network. Putting it (and also Smallville, if they can get the rights back after selling it to Ten) on GO would be the wiser move.

  5. I think you answered that question yourself David. You said “Nine has this title”. There’s your answer. Hopefully they put it on GO! so i can still avoid watching anything on Nine.

  6. Nine are picking up ‘V’? That’s the worst news I’ve heard in awhile. No doubt they’ll show it, and if they don’t get many viewers after the first episode, they’ll cut it, like they’ve done with all their other quality shows, in favour of Two and a Half Men and whatever else they show on that awful channel.

  7. common david do you really think nine will respect a slightly off centre audience by fasttracking this? no i’m sure it will sit on the shelf till next, by which time a vast majority of its audience will have (wrongly and illegally) sourced it from other places. 9 will then screen 2 eps that will consequently rate poorly and then they will wait a good 6-12 months before burying it on GO!
    pity it looks like a good show-guess i’ll wait till the DVDs are released…

  8. Hopefully this will play over summer on Nine or directly to GO. It won’t do well during ratings, ala Eleventh Hour, Fringe, and Moonlight. Athough, this is neither a cop or vampire series, and with FlashForward next week, we can see what happens.

  9. If Jane Badler doesn’t at least make a cameo then I’m not watching!!!

    I hope the new version doesn’t take itself too seriously though – the original was great because it was so over the top…will be interesting to see how this one fares.

  10. The likely hood of Nine showing this (on it’s main channel) in Nov is 0% IMO, they should just put it on GO! and be done with it as everyone here knows it willl end up there sooner rather than later!

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