
Austar turns off ABC local

A software glitch in MyStar has left Austar subscribers without some ABC services.

abc_logoA software fault discovered in new MyStar set top boxes has left subscribers without local ABC1 broadcasts since Tuesday.

Currently all Austar subscribers receive the ABC1 NSW service on channel 102 and the ABC1 local service for their specific state. ABC2 is received by Austar subscribers on channel 126 in the NSW time zone only.

After identifying the problem, Austar terminated all local ABC1 television services at 6am on Tuesday, leaving subscribers in QLD, NT, SA, NT, TAS and VIC with ABC1 NSW and ABC2.

The ABC reports Austar has assured it that every endeavour to rectify the problem is being made.

For further information contact Austar: 132 432

Source: ABC

8 Responses

  1. i was thinking a few days ago that i hope that when the news channels launch nov15 that there isn’t a glitch that causes an outage like when sci fi launched in 2006, also nt is listed twice in the press release.

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