
WA presenter jobless after heart transplant

Updated: WIN TV is accused of sacking a regional WA weather producer and sports presenter who had a heart transplant after collapsing at work.

WINLOGO-LargerUpdated: The news from the west continues to disappoint as WIN TV is accused of sacking a regional WA News presenter who had a heart transplant after collapsing at work.

The Australian notes Chris Lohse, 37, underwent a successful heart transplant on October 28th and was looking forward to returning to his job but he was told at a meeting with station bosses on Monday that his old job was not available for him.

His lawyer said he would file an unfair dismissal claim as well as making a complaint with the Equal Opportunity Commission.

Lohse was employed as a weather producer and sports presenter by WIN WA.

Last month WIN-operated affiliate Nine announced it would not be continuing its local A Current Affair edition in Perth and Adelaide citing the move as a financial decision.

Source: The Australian

17 Responses

  1. To thise guys bitching about whether it’s 9 or WIN, the fact is it’s better to say 9 becasue everyone knows what you are talking about. The fact who owns the station is irrelevant in this context. If for example someone got sacked from The Advertiser, the news story would say ‘sacked by The Advertiser’ not ‘sacked by News Corporation’

  2. anyone read Bruce Gordon’s comments in the SMH, Age and Australian today? It is a joke that he is allowed to own 9 when he rabbits on about how much he loves 10. In his words, “We happen to be a Channel 9 affiliate, but we don’t have an investment in Channel 9 of the size of Channel 10….Channel 10 is going to have a very successful year”.
    There is a lot more which blows me away. I really feel for the staff of NWS9 and STW9.

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