New UK sci-fi from Spooks writer
The BBC recently announced a new sci-fi drama from Ben Richards, writer of Spooks, The Fixer and Party Animals.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Amended: The BBC recently announced a new sci-fi drama from Ben Richards, writer of Spooks, The Fixer and Party Animals.
According to the BBC, “Outcasts is set on a recently-discovered planet and tells of the dilemmas, loves and lives of a group of people setting up a new world.
“This life-sustaining planet is now home to the surviving population from Earth. Here there is a chance to start again, to bring the lessons learnt from Earth and to put them into action on a new planet.
“Set in 2040, Outcasts begins on the day the last known transporter from Earth arrives, prompting great excitement on the new planet: Who is on board? Friends and loved ones? Important supplies and news from Earth? But also many questions: Will the new people bring the problems of Earth with them? Will the mistakes that destroyed Earth be repeated? Will the arrival of a new, would-be leader, rock the fragile and precarious equilibrium of our fresh, unified and courageous new world? And, most importantly of all, how do you create a new and a better world?”
The 8 x 60-minute series produced by Kudos (Spooks, Hustle, Life On Mars and Ashes To Ashes) will be filmed in South Africa in April.
Casting is yet to be announced.
Photo: stock image
Source: BBC
- Tagged with Ashes to Ashes, Hustle, Life on Mars, Party Animals, Spooks, The Fixer
6 Responses
Earth 2 was my first thought as well.
Thanks Matthew, yes my bad …a misinterpretation. I have corrected this.
Err…Ben Richards did not create Spooks.
Sounds good !
Okay this sounds familiar wasn’t there a short lived tv show called ‘Earth 2’ years ago?
Ben Richards strength is creating shows with believable human chracters – taking that out into space and yet keeping it in the near future gives him a lot of creative scope!
Can’t wait for the casting news – remember this is the man who brought Matt Smith (The Eleventh Doctor) and Andrew Buchan (already being touted as a future James Bond) to public notice!!
Exciting news!