
Hot Seat winner scoops $250,000.

A contestant on Hot Seat has won $250,000 -that's 2.5 times the cash prize of many reality shows.

A contestant on Hot Seat has won $250,000.

Julie King was tonight asked the question “What is Tucume in Peru most famous for?” She correctly answered Pyramids from the other alternatives, Forests, Mountains and Deserts.

Host Eddie McGuire noted that the contestant had “lost it all in the ’80s, who’s been married for 38 years with her husband, a contract driver.”

Meanwhile Deal or No Deal gave away $50,000 tonight.

Last Monday, Hot Seat also gave away $100,000.

The $250,000 win is 2.5 times the cash prize of reality shows including My Kitchen Rules, homeMADE and Australia’s Perfect Couple.

11 Responses

  1. I think after BB4 and the two winners on Millionaire nobody cares about how much prize money is offered anymore.

    The $5 Million prize on millionaire had pretty poor ratings. And If Masterchef had a $1Million prize I doubt any more people would’ve watched it.

    @tvaddict Pretty sure Bert’s family feud had a top prize of $100K per ep from what I can remember.

  2. and to think back about 5 yrs ago the top prize on Berts Family Feud was about $5k, and that was shared between them not even each! Good for her, sounds like she deserves a break…

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