
Is that really Wentworth Miller?

Now well and truly out of Prison Break's demanding physical regime, Wentworth Miller is almost unrecognisable.

Ummm….is Wentworth Miller preparing for a particular role?

Hope so.

Snapped here in LA, he doesn’t look anything like he did in either Prison Break or his guest role in Law and Order: SVU.

Say it ain’t so, Went…..

Source: Daily Mail

27 Responses

  1. Stories like these are light hearted and fun! Quit getting your panties in a wad people.

    I noticed WM was getting beefy towards the end of season 4. Since moving to the city, I’ve also added some weight…from 62kg to 71 (over a 5 month period). While thats not obese by any means, I’m definitely keen to hit the gym. I expect WM will follow suit once he decides to take responsibility for himself.

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