★★★★★ 0/5
Bumped: Australian Druglords
Nine has reacted to its third place on Tuesday night by moving Australian Druglords to 9:30pm next week.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
Nine has reacted to its third place on Tuesday night by moving Australian Druglords to 9:30pm next week.
The show pulled 705,000, third in its slot.
At 9pm it will air an “Adults Only” repeat episode of Two and a Half Men.
At 10pm in Sydney and Brisbane a 30 Years of Origin special will air.
Elsewhere Australian Families of Crime will be screened featuring “Mr Bigs – Lennie McPherson And George Freeman” (airs June 22 in Sydney / Brissy).
Kitchen Nightmares USA is repeated everywhere at 11pm.
10 Responses
australian drug lords was the best show i had all these people on point ready to watch it then what 2.5 men. that show is washed up.
i liked both australian druglords and australian familys of crime i wish 9 would give shows a chance to bulid an audience they should rename there channel channel two and a half men
I think it was a new ep of Kitchen Nightmares this week which I was so happy about… has it gone back to repeats again? It was playing the first series that I have seen so many times :(
Kitchen Nightmares USA is 11pm. Aus Families of Crime is 10pm in some states.
Australian Families of Crime is out that night. Vic, SA & WA will get Kitchen Nightmares instead.
It’s a week Nine will win anyway. Can’t see 2.5 Men at 9pm making much difference, although it may hold onto a few extra Top gear fans.
god know.Not more 2.5 Men please.The only other place that shows more of those episodes are the evening Qantas flights.
So when will viewers in Brisbane & Sydney see Australian Families of Crime ?
When all else fails bring in 2.5 Men!
Don’t know what they will do if there is a delay in production on the next season… I guess a lot more re-runs LOL
Isn’t next week a “quasi” non-ratings period due to the World Cup/School Holidays? i.e. many repeats, not much new stuff?