
Bumped: Australian Druglords

Nine has reacted to its third place on Tuesday night by moving Australian Druglords to 9:30pm next week.

Nine has reacted to its third place on Tuesday night by moving Australian Druglords to 9:30pm next week.

The show pulled 705,000, third in its slot.

At 9pm it will air an “Adults Only” repeat episode of Two and a Half Men.

At 10pm in Sydney and Brisbane a 30 Years of Origin special will air.

Elsewhere Australian Families of Crime will be screened featuring “Mr Bigs – Lennie McPherson And George Freeman” (airs June 22 in Sydney / Brissy).

Kitchen Nightmares USA is repeated everywhere at 11pm.

10 Responses

  1. i liked both australian druglords and australian familys of crime i wish 9 would give shows a chance to bulid an audience they should rename there channel channel two and a half men

  2. I think it was a new ep of Kitchen Nightmares this week which I was so happy about… has it gone back to repeats again? It was playing the first series that I have seen so many times :(

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