
The Goodies replay

ABC2 is giving the classic Goodies series another whirl.

Fans of the classic Goodies series rejoice.

ABC2 is giving the 1970s UK series another whirl. It will air on Monday nights from next week, beginning with The Goodies: Kitten Kong Special.

A successful comedy series that features Graeme Garden, Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor participating in a variety of sketches.

This episode was based on the original 1971 Goodies’ ‘Kitten Kong’ episode and was first broadcast in 1972. The Goodies won the Silver Rose in 1972 for this special episode at the Festival Rose d’Or held in Montreux, Switzerland.

The Goodies are running a veterinary clinic when Graeme develops a super pet food to boost the animals’ health. It also boosts the size of a hither to harmless fluffy little kitten.

It begins Mon July 26 8:00pm on ABC2 and continues each Monday night.

23 Responses

  1. The kitten kong episode was edited, they silenced out when Tim said the word “bloody” unfortunately.. maybe one day we will see these episodes as they were originally intended….

  2. Yes yes yes!!!

    I remember watching the Goodies at night just before the 7.00pm ABC news. And then there would be Roger Ramjet to bridge the 5 minute gap. SO awesome….

    Too much to hope for Roger and the American Eagles to appear at 8.35pm on Mondays??? Or what about Captain Pugwash??

  3. I think nearly every episode survives in the BBC archives, except the original version of Kitten King, although several are only in B&W. In the old 6pm timeslot the ABC heavily edited many episodes, so lets hope they air uncut on ABC2, complete with all the non-PC jokes that would not be allowed in TV shows made today.

  4. This is excellent news! The Goodies have been off our televisions for far too long. Really hope this opens the show up to a whole new generation.

    *fingers crossed they play the racehorse episode – one of my faves*

  5. My kids have worn out our Goodies DVD’s and are yearning for more, we need to see some of the lost episodes. My favourite is when they find a cave underneath Goodies HQ and end up in the belly of a dinosaur! Haven’t seen it for years!

    In this world where 2 1/2 men is considered “comedy” we need The Goodies to show our kids that comedies Can be funny!

  6. I hope ABC is able to broadcast some of the episodes that haven’t been seen since the 70’s.

    Although a handfull of chosen ep’s are available on DVD, the majority of the series have never been seen again since their original broadcasts and BBC haven’t shown any interest in ever releasing them.

    Unless, as with Doctor Who, BBC have lost or destroyed many of the mastertapes?

  7. OMG! Yay!!!!!!

    I loved this show so much as a kid. This is before VCRs and PVRs so if you wanted to watch it, you had to be home by 6pm.

    Watching the eps years later, there are some very rude moments that I never noticed first time around.

    So please, ABC2, don’t cut the rude bits out. I’ll get a laugh and my 6 year old won’t know any better.


  8. “A successful comedy series ” Wow, way to promote a show!

    I’d love to see a press release for a show like Deal or no Deal “A moderately entertaining half hour of suitcase opening”.

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