
Chuck: S4 teaser

Spoilers: This promo is for Season 4, so view at your own discretion. But you can see a glimpse of Linda Hamilton.

Spoilers: This promo for Chuck is for Season 4 (airing tonight), but given Season 3 is currently airing on FOX8 view at your own discretion.

But you can see a glimpse of Linda Hamilton.


8 Responses

  1. Thats what i was thinking but i guess for FOX8 to show a program it has to be finished for a good couple of months. Sucks how they only fast track shows such as Idol and Wrestling. If they put as much money into their fictional programming as they did with their reality (Idol, Model, Football, Musical, etc.) they would be able to increase their customer base! Like if they did with Chuck and other similar genre programming (Greek, Make It Or Brake It, Secret Life, Seeker, etc.) like they have with Glee how it was fast tracked to TEN and then FOX8 brought the rights as soon as TEN was done with it leaving mere weeks inbetween it finishing on FTA and being on pay instead of this finishing in the US in 2009, being on FTA in mid 2010 and pay 2011 (overexagurated example but fairly close to the truth).

  2. Hey David do you know if FOX8 will go straight from Season 3 into Season 4?? There will be roughly 3.5 months of Season 3 to be shown so that should allow them enough time to buy the rights cause it will mean Season 4 will be a good 17 episodes in (depending on how many episodes are made, currently unknown). I know this question would be better aimed at FOX8 directly but when I saw the story I thought you may have some info.

  3. Sigh. This makes me a lil sick. To think that such a good show wasn’t even given a chance on fta. If only i wasn’t such a cheap arse, I would get pay tv.

  4. One of the best shows around.

    It’s got a new show runner though doesn’t it? Didn’t the previous guy move over to human target? I wonder what they’ll mean.
    Although the love story focus with Sarah was badly handled last season. They should have kept Hannah around longer and forgotten about the will they won’t they thing.

  5. All I can say is thank god for the Internet 🙂

    Chuck is like the little show that could, each year being bought back to life for the fans. Can’t wait to see Linda Hamilton as his mom, should be a good pairing with Scott Bakula!

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