
Gone: 90210. Bumped: So You Think You Can Dance

And that Get Smart marathon is out of Saturdays as the channel still tries to get it right.

ELEVEN is making more changes to its Friday and Saturday line-ups.

From next week February 4th 90210 is no more, and So You Think You Can Dance will take its place at 7:30pm.

Repeats of Sex and the City, from the very first episodes will air at 9:20 / 9:55 pm.

TEN has had a bad run with 90210, dumped off its primary channel, briefly re-attempted again in a summer slot, and now out of schedule on its new multichannel.

Meanwhile Get Smart is out of primetime Saturdays from February 5. It will be replaced by Frasier / Everybody Loves Raymond / Frasier / Everybody Loves Raymond … in that order, 7:30 – 9:30pm.

ELEVEN recently dumped Hogan’s Heroes from the same timeslot.

TV Tonight readers had previously bemoaned both Hogan’s Heroes and Get Smart as a primetime Saturday offering, suggesting ELEVEN offer more contemporary fare for such a premium slot.

Adjustments for a new channel are not especially surprising, as networks gain some understanding of a new audience.

84 Responses

  1. Completely agree!!! Was just getting into 90210 and yet again…. Gone!
    Wake up guys, dont start a show and then dump it, to show yet more repeats of another…. So stupid! Who is running your channel over there???!!!
    You will keep losing viewers if line ups keep changing and we dont know what to expect.. with fast growing free to air channels and cable – you have done more harm then good in my eyes… Shame :-(

  2. I don’t like 90210, but think its still worth keeping on. I don’t think ELR is the right lead in. Maybe shuffling it to another night and put it together with maybe NZ Next Top Model or something more youth orientated.

    While I’m happy to see Get Smart go from primetime (with GO! having it on weekdays, its on nearly every day of the week ala The Nanny)I hate ERL and Frasier it just doesn’t sit right in that timeslot. I think I would of preferred SaTC on Saturday night and maybe call it a “girls night in” followed by a movie.

    ELEVEN has sadly been a disapoint for me. I know you can’t have everything … but more thought out programming would be nice.

  3. I’ve been thinking and if they are going to move Smallville and/or Stargate & ST:TNG then maybe have Smallville on Thursday and the other two on Friday. I’ll admit I could live with that. I just hope the ABC or SBS doesn’t put anything I really like on either of those two days or that they repeat them if they do. However I’m just a viewer not a programmer.

    I’ll note they could move the Friday programmes to Sunday when the teenagers are more likely to be able to catch them. By that I mean 90210 too before they bumped it. Also please don’t stuff-up with the sound and picture. Not that I’ve seen that but I’d be grateful. If it happens then repeat it again a version that’s fixed. It also be nice if you repeated all primetime shows. But first things first.

  4. @ Casey

    I slightly disagree because I think the next worry is Smallville as they foolishly decided to put it on Sunday. I think it could be rating maybe 150,000-250,000 (i.e. around 200,000 ). But they put it against the cricket plus the tennis. Then there’s for me personally if they put it against Poirot, Marple or Sherlock. Plus other usually ABC stuff.

    But who knows they might do something foolish with Stargate. Ironically I like where they put it because Ch 73 was wise enough to not have clashes with it. But I’m just a viewer that dislikes it when they mess with their reliability. Ironically Ten used to be the best commercial channel. Not anymore. All they need to fix it is to stop being unreliable at least with Eleven. Again only they know what they’ll mess up next. I hope nothing but won’t be too surprised if or when they do. I just ask that they please don’t. If you must move something put it later on or just accept variability. Better still repeat things. As you make it impossible to watch some things live and I don’t have a recorder.

  5. The Problem is the time of night they put 90210 on and the night of the week.Did Ten/Eleven stop to think that most teens have a job after school and nights or most of them if they get the Friday night off go to the local mall or city shopping centres with their family and friends obviously.It might have worked back in the Nineties putting a Teen Drama of some sort on a weeknight but the world has moved on since then

  6. I agree with all comments people have posted about Ten & Eleven.

    We as the viewers are constantly being slapped in the face by the network pulling shows we haven’t had the chance to watch in Australia that are still continuing in the US. Ten & Eleven are the biggest culprits of this.

    A lot of the content on Eleven are repeats of older shows and some these older shows being repeated twice a day is insane.

    The original time slot for 90210 was idiotic considering that a large majority of the target audience wouldn’t be watching television on a Friday @ 7.30pm.

    Also I must say concerning the Saturday line up isn’t there enough of Ray Romano throughout the week? Seriously what is the network thinking?

  7. Stargate Universe that was recently cancelled in the US, due to extremely poor ratings, will probably also be removed next. I’m not a Stargate show fan, but as it’s probably rating very poorly for Eleven, it should still be shown, but just moved to a later 10.30 or 11.30 pm timeslot.

  8. Channel Ten / Eleven you are embarrassing yourselves so badly. What a stupid move (again !!!) Have they not heard of the phrase ‘Give it a chance’ !!? First time round, only 5 eps, now this time round only 3. It’s pathetic channel Ten/Eleven !! Pull your socks up! At least give it a couple of months for the poor show to gain a fair audience… come on!

    If that timeslot is no good, then simply move it to a weekday or late night slot. Or better yet, why don’t you take off one of the zillion MacGyver or Love Boat that are being repeatedly aired at the moment and put 90210 into one of those slots for a change. At least be fair to the public who want to see it – please. You have thousands and thousands of repeats of ancient old shows that a younger auidence could not even relate to, yet you won’t stick with a young hip show like 90210 that has fresh new content. Pathetic.

  9. Oh for god sake … knock it off … it is Eleven for pity sake, it is not supposed to be the big rating channel … just put things on, and give them a chance at a stable slot for a few weeks!!!! Idiots!!!

  10. Seriously?! I knew it’d fail! I So wanna watch 90210 but I’m never home on a Friday night– and I’d assume a lot more of their demo’s would be out too. I mean, come on, SYTYCD and 90210 should be on weekdays for their younger audiences!

    I kinda think Eleven maybe wanted it to fail? I dunno… but I just can’t see any logic in them thinking that putting those shows on a Friday night would be a smart movie…

  11. Putting it at 7.30 pm Fridays was a monumentally stupid timeslot, when it’d be wiser to slot it in double episode blocks for 7 months on either a weekday night, or a Saturday night at 9.30, 10.30, or 11.30 pm and have Craig Ferguson be on at 11.30 pm or 12.30 am, if on a weeknight .

    They also need to bring the Friday Night Lights and Army Wives shows to Eleven, at a 10.30 or 11.30 pm timeslot.

  12. they should use the 11:30 Sun-Fri slots for these lower rating shows like 90210, Melrose, One Tree and Friday Night Lights. those old sitcoms can wait. Craig is quite polular so they probably won’t bump him up to 11:30. during the day might be ok for Ten but this is Eleven, try something else. but seriously, 11 need to re-think their schedule. Sundays to Wednesdays are ok but theres more slots to be filled and more movies to be played on the weekends.

    how is Top Model NZ doing? I expect that’ll be moved at some point.

  13. This is not fair i have been a fan of 90210 and this is disrespectful to the 90210 fans they shouldnt have put it on friday nights and where can i complain

  14. @Antigoni – have you seen the new Hawaii 5-0? It’s good, very good and certain to be renewed by CBS for a 2nd season. Some revivals work, even 90210 is still going in the US and lest not forget Parenthood which is likely to get a 3rd season.

  15. @ James H – I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that – on Eleven’s Friday Broadcast 2 Friday’s ago the whole thing skipped constantly – I gave up after 10 minutes and watched Space Jam instead!

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