★★★★★ 0/5
Airdate: Find My Family
Find My Family is coming back to TV -but not on Seven.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
Remember Find My Family on Seven?
It’s coming back to TV, but in its original Dutch form on SBS TWO. Seven bought the format for its successful Aussie series.
The Dutch version of a hugely successful international series where regular people undertake exciting and emotional journeys looking for long lost relatives and friends. (From the Netherlands in Dutch, English subtitles)
It begins 7:30 pm Saturday March 5th.
- Tagged with Find my Family
7 Responses
there needs to be an australian version of some sort , i would really appreciate it as i am looking for someone very important .
i would love to be on the show if it did happen , because i do not know where ele to turn
Actually Seven ran an Aussie version already but it’s now over.
a show aired where a man was looking for percy leonard gill. dont know the mans name can anyone help
Can you please let me know if there is going to another Australian Show and how do you get on the show?
At this stage no.
So one assumes the Ch 7 version is gone for good?
It wasn’t the same without Jack Thompson. They need to bring him back and revert to the old format if they return the show on air.
Is there going to be another Aussie series David?