
Airdate: World Famous For Dicking Around

This British show gets the award for cheekiest title of the week.

This show gets the award for cheekiest title of the week.

World Famous For Dicking Around is a 2003 UK extreme stunt show, that possibly explains how we ended up with 2005’s Balls of Steel.

The show features six “amateur stuntmen” who perform spectacular, daredevil stunts to try and impress top movie directors, whether it be navigating an estuary in a child’s bouncy castle, boxing with raw chickens for gloves or setting themselves on fire.

In the first episode some Scottish fellas create a wedgie machine, recreate a scene from Ben Hur with wheelbarrows and squeeze lemon juice straight into their eyes.

It airs at 1:30am Monday June 20 on 7mate (of course).

You have been warned.

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