
Insight: June 7

Next week Insight asks do we need to change the way we talk about Suicide?

Next week’s Insight will tackle the sensitive subject of Suicide.

Suicide kills more Australians than the road toll (ABS). It’s the leading cause of death for under 40s (Lifeline) and a significant cause for people over 40 (ABS).

So do we need to change the way we talk about the S word? How do we overcome the age-old taboo? Should we treat suicide more like the road toll – with billboards, ads and ongoing funding?

Prominent mental health experts call for a widespread, ongoing campaign that very publicly draws attention to suicide.

Join Insight host Jenny Brockie and special guests for this important discussion.

It airs Tuesday June at 7.30pm on SBS ONE.

2 Responses

  1. Hi Jenny,
    16 weeks ago my partner took his own life.He was only 43 years old. He was a beautiful man and a great dad. We had a five year relationship. He had a 14 year old son from a previous marriage. He legally had 50% custody of his son. Paid $320.00 per week for child support and half his private school fees. He was denied total access by his ex wife, even xmas day. He would call his son everynight, send text messages and send regular emails with no answer or reply. The child support system let him down as it is doing to alot of other fathers. He never spoke a single word to his son or saw him for over seven months. Shared custody means nothing because the mother can control the access. He would go to collect his son on his weekend for access and they wouldn’t be there. These men cannot afford to keep going back to court to get court orders for access.. Children are entitled to have the love of both parents. Who says that a mother loves her child anymore than a father does. Maybe we need to start looking at, what are the reasons these men in their thirties and forties are comitting suicide.They loose all hope. I can never bring him home, but I may be able to save another father and family the heart ache that my family and I have had to endure. Our CSA laws need to be seriously looked at and changed.

  2. family member with severe depression after fathers death & refuses medical help because she does not recognise that she is anything but well. what can we do ? Where do we go for help? Your programme was very good . Thank you.Request my name not be broad cast.

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