
John Howard for Insiders 10th anniversary

Former PM John Howard, who was the first guest on Insiders in 2001, returns for the 10th Anniversary.

To mark the 10th Anniversary for Insiders this weekend Barrie Cassidy will interview former Prime Minister John Howard, who was the first guest on the program back in 2001.

As well as the regular commentary of the week’s events, the team will also look back at some of the best moments across 10 years on air.

Insiders airs Sunday at 9am on ABC1 and is simulcast on ABC News 24.

16 Responses

  1. Re “Our TV is well trained – it switches itself off if that wretched little man appears …”

    I just throw things at it and swear at the wretched (and odious) little man.

  2. I wonder if anyone listened to John Howard when spoke of how Australia would be mad to act this way on climate change as America, China, and India aren’t. Blind Freddie can smell the need for acting in both India and China, as for America the country is not one you would follow a lead on at all.
    Why is this man’s opinion even being asked, you really need to opt for some real experts to provide comparisons and real science and economics knowledge on the show,
    Perhaps we could get a psychologist on the show who can dissect the way the key players in politics behave to try to get runs on the board, because from where I am sitting it is absolute joke and the media in general are just using them to sell stories.

  3. So Tellie, tell us should Gillard be the only one to have ‘free airtime’ remembering that she arm wrestled all free to air broadcasters to give her free airspace to spruik her carbon tax last Sunday. I suppose you support Bob Browns idea that the media should be state sponsored.. then we could really silence any opposition to govt policy hey!!

  4. Poor showing on the show’s part to have Howard on it. Why not be honest and just have Abbott instead, because having Howard means the same. This is simply giving Abbott a free ad on TV and nothing more. Very bad taste.

  5. Will he repeat his earlier statement that he believes Tony Abbott is not leadership quality? Will he explain why he supported an ETS and had plans to introduce one? Will the right questions be asked?

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