
At Home with Julia courting controversy

This week's episode of At Home with Julia has its most controversial scene so far.

Uh oh….

I don’t know how to say this without:

a) writing a Spoiler.
b) starting a controversy before one exists.

So let me just say this week’s episode of At Home with Julia has its most controversial scene so far.

Those who have accused the show of being disrespectful to the Office of the PM (and I’m not one of them) will be out in force this week, with a pretty strong argument.

The show is on much stronger turf when it’s parodying pollies, and there’s a bunch of them this week: Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott, Julie Bishop, Wayne Swan, Paul Keating (Jonathan Biggins has his voice to a tee). And a surprise with gardener Craig McLachlan.

But they will probably all be upstaged.

You heard it here first.

The show airs 9:30pm Wednesday on ABC1.

Updated: possible Spoilers in Comments.

36 Responses

  1. I believe that this programme will do wonders for the Labour Party, because, we genuininly fall in love with her authenticity during the show. She is so hilarious. She has maximum appeal and I also loved her honesty… the kids out front… loved everything about that! ! She was such a strong character. She is bold enough for god’s sake to be a “ranga” and has the Aussiest accent I have ever heard…. My whole body shook with laughter a lot of the way through. (Even though I didn’t want to) Sassy writing, acting poise – which I nearly wet myself over…. And I adored Matheson too…. I loved the bizzareness of their relationship. God… at least they had some energy between them! I’ve been married to some, who have not had intensity 1/3 of this stuff…..
    I’m 53 years old! And Julia Rocks!!!!! Her opposite counterpart is sickening! Who In God”s Name Would Ever vote for him anyway….???/? Liberal suck of individuality. Tony Abbott. Phony Rabbit… go go go away please!!!!!

    Australia needs a hero now….
    Enter please,
    Ms Julia Matheson Gillard…….

  2. The first episode was funny not as good as Hollowman. Last weeks episode was utter garabage and was oh so predictable wirth the jokes! The ending was s dumb when he locks himself out when all he needs to do is use the rubbish bin to climb over the gate, instead of pretending to scale over the wall yelling out to Julia to let him in!

    If its not funny this week this show will again experience another drop in its ratings!

  3. whats wrong with people, a show like this underpins or democracy and freedom, and is what makes australia such a great place to live. its great that we can watch a show like this and have a laugh without it turning into anything serious. and there is nothing wrong with the show, i quite enjoyed it. its simple, if you don’t like it, don’t watch it and leave the rest of us alone.

  4. @nrc_02 – You think that crap is funny?! You should have been around when we had real satire, with actual comedy, circa “The Mavis Bramston Show”. And there have been several others over time.

  5. I can’t believe there are people whinging about this show. We are seriously turning into a bunch of prudes. Anyone ever hear of That’s My Bush? This is in the exact same vein. It’s just as funny as well. The show hit a bit of a slump last week but it was still good and I know a little bit about this weeks episode and it sounds like a cracker.

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