
Bumped: Renovators finale. Gone: An Idiot Abroad: Bucket List

TEN has made some changes to its schedule for next week, which appears to be as a result of not having a new Glee episode.

TEN has made some changes to its schedule for next week, which appears to be as a result of not having a new Glee episode from the US (it’s out for a few weeks, actually).

The 2 hour Renovators finale, which was due to air on Monday night, will now air at 7:30pm Wednesday October 12th (and yes it’s still listed as The Renovators 2005).

On Monday night TEN will continue with Undercover Boss Australia and Law & Order: SVU, despite the fact they pulled disappointing numbers last night.

Plans to launch An Idiot Abroad: Bucket List are now put aside, with TEN opting to replay the first series, An Idiot Abroad, which was a great series but has already played on ONE. It will begin 9:30pm Wednesday October 12th.

Whether this bumps the Bucket List series into summer or 2012 isn’t clear.

30 Responses

  1. Well this is ridiculous. Why have they stopped an Idiot Abroad: Bucket List when they were all set to show it??!! I will be downloaded it because I just can’t wait, lost a lot of respect for you Channel 10

  2. Oh Ten, why did you lie to us glee fans? Just then, it says that next Wednesday there will be a brand new episode straight from the satellite, when I knew Glee was stopped until November in the US. But you still proceeded to get the glee fanbase’s hopes up. Dammit Ten, you’ve made a powerful enemy..

  3. Echoing several comments, I just don’t get what direction Ch10 are heading. With Junior MC premiering I thought Renos what wrap up within the week so as not too OD on reality programs but no, some nights Renos gets a run and other night Junior MC gets a run, sometimes they’re both on.

    I don’t pretend to be a TV programmer but sure some sort of consistency is needed, especially on a show that is nearing its end. Would love to hear Ch10’s programmer’s rationale for some very odd decisions.

    And don’t get me started on the various L & O franchises left dangling….

  4. No wonder Renovators fans are thin on the ground with constant changes.
    Hope final is a winner for the contestants as they have really worked hard for what ever price they get.Go Peter

  5. @Julian , i agree.It will be interesting to see what this gets.If it pulls over a million theyll be shouting from the renovated rooftops and say what a huge success it was and theyll greenlight another series , but if it gets below those figures theyll be shouting from the renovated rooftops and say what a huge success it was and theyll greenlight another series.

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