Bumped: Renovators finale. Gone: An Idiot Abroad: Bucket List
TEN has made some changes to its schedule for next week, which appears to be as a result of not having a new Glee episode.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
TEN has made some changes to its schedule for next week, which appears to be as a result of not having a new Glee episode from the US (it’s out for a few weeks, actually).
The 2 hour Renovators finale, which was due to air on Monday night, will now air at 7:30pm Wednesday October 12th (and yes it’s still listed as The Renovators 2005).
On Monday night TEN will continue with Undercover Boss Australia and Law & Order: SVU, despite the fact they pulled disappointing numbers last night.
Plans to launch An Idiot Abroad: Bucket List are now put aside, with TEN opting to replay the first series, An Idiot Abroad, which was a great series but has already played on ONE. It will begin 9:30pm Wednesday October 12th.
Whether this bumps the Bucket List series into summer or 2012 isn’t clear.
30 Responses
Well this is ridiculous. Why have they stopped an Idiot Abroad: Bucket List when they were all set to show it??!! I will be downloaded it because I just can’t wait, lost a lot of respect for you Channel 10
Oh Ten, why did you lie to us glee fans? Just then, it says that next Wednesday there will be a brand new episode straight from the satellite, when I knew Glee was stopped until November in the US. But you still proceeded to get the glee fanbase’s hopes up. Dammit Ten, you’ve made a powerful enemy..
Echoing several comments, I just don’t get what direction Ch10 are heading. With Junior MC premiering I thought Renos what wrap up within the week so as not too OD on reality programs but no, some nights Renos gets a run and other night Junior MC gets a run, sometimes they’re both on.
I don’t pretend to be a TV programmer but sure some sort of consistency is needed, especially on a show that is nearing its end. Would love to hear Ch10’s programmer’s rationale for some very odd decisions.
And don’t get me started on the various L & O franchises left dangling….
No wonder Renovators fans are thin on the ground with constant changes.
Hope final is a winner for the contestants as they have really worked hard for what ever price they get.Go Peter
@Julian , i agree.It will be interesting to see what this gets.If it pulls over a million theyll be shouting from the renovated rooftops and say what a huge success it was and theyll greenlight another series , but if it gets below those figures theyll be shouting from the renovated rooftops and say what a huge success it was and theyll greenlight another series.