
Network CEO or rude puppet?

Here's OzTAM's clip produced by GNW TV for the Media Federation Awards (MFA) last week.

Here’s OzTAM’s clip produced by GNW TV for the Media Federation Awards (MFA) last week.

It features a puppet said to resemble a certain Network CEO.

And I have no comment about the closing line.

Warning: language, language, language….

Source: AdNews

7 Responses

  1. Wow its been 10years for OzTam has it, i understand why the system they used 10years ago was stupid and ineffective, but these days, you can get HD STBs for next to nothing, so they could add data collection functionality for a little more and (and virtually for nothing in network connected DVRs) and we could have millions of data points instead of only canvasing 0.5% of the viewers.

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