
AO’K to Kyle: “Hate speech is a curb on your right to free speech.”

Yesterday Andrew O'Keefe stepped up his criticism of Kyle Sandilands on Weekend Sunrise.

Yesterday Andrew O’Keefe, who is a chairman of the White Ribbon Foundation, stepped up his criticism of Kyle Sandilands on Weekend Sunrise, following comments attacking a News Ltd. journalist.

“I know that Kyle has the capacity to be a lot better a man than that, but what he’s done so far has been aggressive, sexist and quite deluded I think,” he said.

“There is no such thing as a right to Free Speech in Australia,” he said.

“Hate speech is a curb on your right to Free Speech.”

Well done to AO’K for saying what Seven management has been unable to say all week, even after Austereo publicly denounced Sandilands’ comments. He also gave an excellent interview to Richard Stubbs on ABC Radio.

The incident continues to attract condemnation with several opinion pieces in weekend newspapers.


31 Responses

  1. Finally someone acknowledging the fact that sexism is still alive and well in Australia! I don’t care if Andrew O’Keefe is no “angel”. He has obviously learnt from his past behaviour and has an understanding of the issues. He has never said he’s perfect and to make it about two male personalities having a problem with each other just again clouds the issue at hand – the fact that Kyle Whatshisface said he would “hunt down” this journalist and made remarks about her that were based solely on the fact that she’s a woman.

    I agree that Alan Jones etc. should also be taken to task, but that doesn’t mean Kyle should be ignored, or allowed to disappear for 3 months then come back. I look forward to seeing more men like Andrew talking about a problem which for too long has been classified as some fluffy “women’s issue”. Retro fashion is good, retro attitudes are not.

  2. I don’t understand how this is news. The more time of day given to people like this, the more power they have. I love that I have the power to not watch or listen to anything he says.

  3. Angus-

    You make it sound as if just because she’s “some News journo” that the comments made are alright.

    The difference is – Alan Jones does it every day, and every day people do get up in arms about it. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

    With Kyle, though – he is on TV so it will have a wider reporting base within entertainment media (including this blog), thus the momentum against Kyle will obviously grow quicker and louder than if he were only on radio.

    Which Alan Jones is. 🙂

    Maybe we should give him his own show – his comments do put Kyle’s to shame.

    I would have no doubt if the wider entertainment media started reporting on an Alan Jones TV Show, the response would be exactly the same, if not greater, than what is happening here. 🙂

  4. Isn’t this all terribly strange. Now explain this to me …

    We have one radio commentator calling for our PM to be put to death, and barely a ripple was caused.

    Then another radio talking head slags off some News journo, and all hell breaks loose.

    If someone can explain this, please send through 100 words or less by 5pm. Thanks.

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