★★★★★ 0/5
Seven: finale week
The Seven Network has now revealed its plans for the final week of ratings.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
The Seven Network has now revealed its plans for the final week of ratings.
Obviously it includes several finales for some big shows:
Sun Nov 20
6:30 Sunday Night
7:30 TBA
9:30 Castle rpt
10:30 Royal Pains
Mon Nov 21
7:30 The X Factor (final 3)
9:30 TBA
11:30pm Dual Suspects
Tue Nov 22
7:30 The X Factor (Grand Final)
9:30 TBA
10:30 Dinner Date (final)
10:30 Parks & Recreation
Wed Nov 23
7:30 The One (final)
8:30 Criminal Minds dbl rpt
10:30 Great Escapes
Thu Nov 24
7:30 Beauty & the Geek Australia (Final)
9:00 TBA
9:30 The Amazing Race
10:30 Outsourced dbl ep
11:30 30 Rock rpt
Fri Nov 25
7:00 Home and Away final
7:30 Better Homes & Gardens (Xmas special)
9:00 Movie (TBA)
Sat Nov 26 (last day of 2011 ratings)
6:30 Movie (TBA)
8:45 Movie (TBA)
24 Responses
HIMYM repeats of course
@Craig In TV week they stated that next weeks Parenthood the 15th will be the last one for 2011
@Franz Chong last year it was How I Met Your Mother so it could be that again
i won’t be turning the TV on after the ratings thanks to Labour & The Greens voting the carbon tax in today thru senate. The country is now stuffed
Who knows what will fill the Home and Away time slot over the summer.
Very funny Jezza, a lot of TBA to have when announcing last weeks of ratings. With regards to a movie maybe It’s Complicated ? if Seven have the rights.
Hope TAR will only be on at 9.30pm that week only.
Re TBA’s s why can’t TV networks let anyone know what programs they are playing 2 weeks out? Seven and Nine seem the worst .
Surely they know? OOooooooohhhh…maybe TEN and Nine will find out and scuttle Seven’s ratings! Ooooohhhh…. Maybe TBA stands for “To Be Annoying”!
Bah Humbug!
The way it reads, they aren’t really trying very hard…
Kyle and Jackie O Sunday 7.30
promos for Kyle & Jackie O and Vera are airing. they could fill some slots.
Hey have you watched that episode of TBA. It was so funny I didnt know what was going to happen
Disappointing to see that new episodes of Covert Affairs won’t be shown until next year.
Hey what up with the TBA Tuesday at 9:30? they haven’t caught up with Parenthood in the US yet. Not surprisingly no new Bones or Castle either.
@Jezza – LOL I agree, all I can see is a bunch of rpt and TBA!
What the point of publishing a schedule so full of holes?
Also it looks like it could be a very quite summer ahead at Seven, full of re-runs and shows over a year old they couldn’t be bothered to even show on the digital channels before now. I predict Nine will win the first summer non-ratings week.
I reckon the top rating show of the week will be TBA
I think there are four Australia’s Got Talent specials so that Tuesday TBA should be the final AGT special.
I am so looking forward to the new episodes of TBA. I have season 6 on dvd but S7 was just awesome. TBA is world class tv and a sign that a network is very confident of its own line up regardless of what other channels are showing
Surely the TBAs after the reality/competition series are Winner Announced “specials”.
Why is tar on at 9:30 when a tba is at 8:30
Looks like Happy Endings will premiere following the Beauty and the Geek finale, and will headline 7’s Summer. They should give Up All Night a go too, they could have a pretty good new comedy block in their hands.
Could Seven Premiere the Disney movie Lemonade Mouth at 6:30 on the Final Night of Ratings?
Wow, Seven is going to have one heck of a week.
I would say that the 7:30-9:30 slot on Sunday would be the 2 hour season finale of Wild Boys. They still have three episodes left of the season.
Really happy to see them doing the four hours of X Factor again this year. Knowing this year’s incline, the finale should rate better than the one last year. Could The Winner Announced rate 2 million this year?
That’s how Finale Weeks should be. You have a final of everything every night (Monday will probably be the final new ep of Body of Proof for a while).
Knowing Seven, those two TBA movies on Saturday night will be big premieres. I am almost willing to bet that the 6:30 movie will be Up, the PIXAR film from two years ago. Not sure about the 8:45 one. I thought Inglourious Basterds maybe but then I realised it was MA so it probably wouldn’t be it. Anyone else have any ideas?
I agree a double Wild Boys finale is likely.
7 usually use the pixar movie on the last day of ratings so I’ll predict the premiere of UP. some of the TBAs are interesting. Parenthood, body of proof and wild boys should have an episode available so will probably fill them. Otherwise 7 is probably planning to start some summer shows early.
So what summer bay land mark will be set in fire or blown up in the home and away finale or will there be another boat people scandal