ABC Arts & Entertainment exec resigns
ABC TV’s Head of Arts and Entertainment, Amanda Duthie, will leave ABC to become CEO and Director of the Adelaide Film Festival.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
ABC TV’s Head of Arts and Entertainment, Amanda Duthie, will leave ABC at the end of January to become CEO and Director of the Adelaide Film Festival.
Director of Television Kim Dalton said “I would like to congratulate Amanda on her new appointment to one of the most enterprising film festivals in the country. I also want to recognise her many successes during her eight years at the ABC, and in particular, the last four years as ABC TV’s Head of Arts and Entertainment.”
As head of arts & entertainment she has overseen Spicks & Specks, Gruen Transfer and Gruen Planet, Judith Lucy’s Spiritual Journey, Adam Hills in Gordon Street Tonight, The Hamster Wheel, Artscape, At the Movies, First Tuesday Book Club, an on-going series of ABC Live concerts, The Bazura Project and Mrs. Carey’s Concert. She has also developed programs such as the landmark Indigenous series Art & Soul, constructed a major arts on-line gateway, and worked closely with the Australia Council for the Arts and regional arts bodies.
After the fallout of The Chaser’s “Make a Realistic Wish Foundation” sketch she lost responsibility for the Comedy slate but she has recently overseen new programmes for 2012.
“Amanda leaves ABC TV with an exciting slate in both arts and entertainment programming for 2012 with programs such as Shaun Micallef”s Mad as Hell, Randling with Andrew Denton, Myf Warhurst’s Nice, Photo Finish and Kitchen Cabinet with Annabel Crabb,” said Kim Dalton.
A replacement is yet to be announced.
- Tagged with Adam Hills: In Gordon Street Tonight, Artscape, At the Movies, First Tuesday Book Club, Gruen Planet, Gruen Transfer, Judith Lucy’s Spiritual Journey, Kitchen Cabinet, Mrs Carey’s Concert, Myf Warhurst’s Nice, Photo Finish, Randling, Shaun Micallef”s Mad as Hell, Spicks and Specks, The Bazura Project, The Hamster Wheel
3 Responses
@ Joni – She’s resigned with a great job to go to, and a new person gets a chance to actually do something. Everybody wins.
Geez Ronnie, Merry Xmas to you too!
Meh… way past her time to go and that slate for next year says it all. If read in conjunction with the Brendan Dahill piece we can assume he’s responsible for the Shaun commission and Andrew Denton’s return. Myf Warhurst’s Nice? Seriously? Hopefully they can find someone with new vision and energy. The ABC should be doing way more and better in Entertainment. Good to see Kim Dalton churning the time servers.