
Bollywood Stars head to India

The next two episodes of Bollywood Star, filmed in India, are much stronger than the Sydney-based auditions.

Two weeks ago I penned a pretty tough review of Bollywood Star, SBS’ venture into the talent search genre.

I wasn’t especially taken by the audition episodes filmed in Sydney.

But the next two episodes that see contestants in India are much stronger.

These show the reactions of the Australians in the melting pot that is Mumbai. It displays insight into another culture, and fits the brief of SBS much better. While the 6 Aussies are fighting for their shot at fame, they are dealing with everything Mumbai throws at them too.

One will eventually be cast in a Bollywood movie.

There are two more episodes to go at 7:30pm Saturdays on SBS ONE.

2 Responses

  1. I love this show and I didn’t agree with your review David.I liked that the auditions were in a warehouse instead of all the crap they go on with on The Voice. They did seem to run out of time at the end of the day, but, hey, it is SBS and they wouldn’t have a massive budget. Looking for ward to the India editions…and Teigan is just so stunningly beautiful.

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