
Nine’s royal Tuesday win

Ratings: Nine's right royal Diamond Jubilee Concert helped it win the night.

Nine’s right royal Diamond Jubilee Concert helped it sustain viewers last night, averaging 1.12m viewers for its nearly 4 hour broadcast.

Nine won the night followed by Seven and TEN.

Also performing for Nine were The Block (1.34m), Nine News (1.3m), ACA (1.07m), and Hot Seat (752,000).

Seven News was very strong with 1.46m viewers as the #1 show of the night, then Today Tonight (1.28m), Packed to the Rafters (1.15m), Once Upon a Time (974,000), Home and Away (940,000), Deal or No Deal (727,000), Pictures of You (694,000), and The Price is Right (425,000).

Modern Family (1.01m), beat MasterChef Australia (975,000). TEN’s other shows included Bikie Wars (928,000), TEN News (723,000),  NCIS (518,000) and The Project 6pm (468,000).

On ABC1 it was ABC News (983,000), 7:30 (632,000), Qi (516,000), Foreign Correspondent (471,000), Origins of Us (442,000), and Diamond Jubilee (363,000).

Insight was 272,000 for SBS ONE and Who Do You Think You Are? was 221,000.

Neighbours ranked first on multichannels with 307,000.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

7 Responses

  1. OUaT is safe right now, Seven and the others probably knew they were going to take a hit last night. Good to see Bikie Wars holding it’s own on TEN.

    Why was it the Queens concert was on Nine anyway and not the ABC?

  2. I doubt Seven will move OUAt as a lot of people are recording it. Last week it rated 1.15m but then when consolidated ratings came out, it was up to 1.385m, which suggests it’s kept pretty much it’s whole premiere audience. They just prefer not to watch it live.

  3. @Steve Sydney

    OUAT will stay where it is whilst it still gets at or around the million mark. I am surprised it has held up so well – I thought it would be a failure as it is not everyone’s cup of tea.

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