
Charlotte Dawson: “This is people able to hide and abuse”

She's often in the firing line, but Charlotte Dawson uses irony in social media when others use abuse.

Former Celebrity Apprentice contestant Charlotte Dawson is no stranger to the volatility of social media.

She’s been on the receiving end of many an anonymous barb, and responded in kind, including when there were accusations she had made “death threats” to one fashion blogger. The reply was meant in jest, but the might of the Twitter-sphere managed to raise a wry dig into a viral furore.

Dawson agrees volatility and social media go hand in hand.

“That what social media does, that’s what it is these days. Especially for Generation Y. They just think ‘This isn’t real life, it’s just Online’ so you’ve just got to see it for what it is,” she said.

“This is people able to hide and abuse. There’s something about human nature….

“You’ve got to take the good with the bad and there is a lot of good. I had an awful lot of support throughout (Celebrity) Apprentice.

“I’m used to being slagged but there was a hell of a lot of support which was really nice.”

“There are people who don’t have a sense of humour, or they don’t get sarcasm or irony.

“Maybe people who are very young or maybe not that well read probably don’t get that because their communication is quite basic. If you return with humour they just don’t know how to respond.”

Meanwhile there is no word yet on a start-up for Australia’s Next Top Model.

“We may start shooting auditions later this year, we’re just waiting to find out.”

She also rejects any suggestion she could step in as host, and says it’s important to have a profile model for the participants to look up to.

“That’s not me. I’m good, solid TV fodder. They can get me to do my job which is to be a judge and be critical, as someone with over 20 years of experience, but I wouldn’t be a good host.”

5 Responses

  1. Ms Dawson has a lot to learn. herself, about Social Media. Someone on Twitter mentioned that dreaded “B” word …to her, botox, I then tweeted I didn`t understand why people felt they should hide growing older, it`s something to be thankful for, be proud of. She started going on about how nasty people can be, I reminded her that she had a few laughs at Tania`s expense (Celeb Apprentice) in front of thousands. Didn`t like that, looked at my photo, asked how I would feel if someone said I looked old. “It`d be cruel, wouldn`t it?” she tweeted. I replied, “No, at 50 going on 51 I`m proud even to be here, lots don`t make it to my age” She then made her account private, cutting me off. Now I get her followers tweeting me, abusing me. I stand by what I say and said to her “Our generations should be setting a better example, show younger generations that having a few wrinkles, growing older is acceptable, putting on a bit of weight, not having a pefect figure and face is acceptable. What isn`t acceptable is this fake perfect look.”

  2. @tvaddict – she’s right.

    I just find it cowardly to use a social network in such a manner. Just because you may not like someone does not mean you have to be nasty to them. Ignoring is a far more preferable way to go.

    In any case, this year has highlighted the biggest issue with social media. Those that use it and see it as this great “democratic” machine to have their voices heard and change the world, soon learned the hard way that people that use social media have the attention span of a goldfish…

    Anyone remember Kony? ;)

  3. ‘Maybe people who are very young or maybe not that well read probably don’t get that because their communication is quite basic.’ She really is being very polite there, its a nice way of saying those people are uneducated idiots lol

  4. Charlotte had summed up social media perfectly. It should not be taken seriously. It is a second life for a lot of people. Even a pretend life. I see in the papers today some Wags are complaining about the the vitriol they have been getting. Well they have to understand that when you stick your head up and go on twitter and tweet to thousands of people, some people might not like you. It is the first time in history that the average joe blow has had direct access to celebrities so if they don’t like negative feedback, get off it.

  5. I disagree that Charlotte wouldn’t be a good host, but I think she does what she does on Model brilliantly and it would be a loss to have her in the presenting role. Much the same as when Daryl left DWTS and people suggested Sonia should have got the gig – but had she hosted, the chance to do all her great one liners would have been gone. There’s nothing wrong with excelling at being a “second fiddle”, because it’s often where the true entertainment lies.

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