★★★★★ 0/5
Beauty & the Geek Australia update
Next week there are two episodes so no Brynne or How I Met Your Mother.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
Heads up Beauty & the Geek Australia fans.
Next week there are two episodes  at 7:30pm and 8:30pm, Thursday November 15.
This means there is no Brynne: My Bedazzled Life which has its finale this week. How I Met Your Mother is also out next week.
6 Responses
So what will be filling in while Home and Away is off for the Summer?
Summer schedules not released/
Yahoo 7 and my EPG show Brynne on at 7.30pm, with Geek 8pm until 9.30
BATGA double is next week not this.
David, I don’t think HIMYM will be back this year. Last weeks episode was advertised as the Season Finale (which it actually was) but that was season 7. Season 8 is currently airing in USA. I suspect Seven will hold off season 8 until “After the Tennis”
Currently YourTV has this weeks episode starting at 8pm and finishing at 9:30pm for Prime viewers. It’s the makeover episode.