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ABC, UKTV get Wizards vs Aliens.
The ABC and UKTV have picked up the new children’s series co-written by Russell T. Davies.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
The ABC and UKTV have picked up Wizards vs Aliens, the new children’s series co-written by Russell T. Davies (Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Queer as Folk) and Phil Ford (Doctor Who).
The series follows the adventures of two 16-year old schoolboys, Tom and Benny, who battle to save Earth from the Nekross, an alien race.
The series is a co-production between BBC Wales and FremantleMedia, and is seen as a replacement for The Sarah Jane Adventures following the death of Elisabeth Sladen.
It premiered in the UK in October.
Source: C21
- Tagged with Doctor Who, Queer as Folk, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood, Wizards vs Aliens
4 Responses
I agree with Sydney2K about Sarah Jane Adventures and the ABC playing it. But I’m glad they’ve got this new show.
The only nightmare is they like torturing childrens TV with colourful watermarks. Are they trying to get the kids prepared psychologically for future torture devices so toughen them up? I’ll admit that’s why I loved my childhood as there was no watermarks at all. It’s why analogue TV will always be better due to them respecting the programming before the nineties. It included Sesame Street, Play School, Mr Squiggle and Doctor Who. At most you had a brief voice-over at the end or, rarely, before the show began. I loved that voice-over guy and his voice. It was a shock when the British showed it on a DVD extra for Doctor Who. Loved it.
Now if only the ABC would get the rights to the Sarah Jane Adventures…
When will this be airing?
No dates sorry.