
News bulletins extend to cover Boston marathon tragedy

There may be minor changes to schedules tonight as News bulletins cover the Boston marathon tragedy.

2013-04-16_1245There may be minor changes to schedules tonight following the Boston marathon tragedy.

Please check local markets:

Sydney /Melbourne / Brisbane

6:00pm Nine News
6:45pm ACA
7:05pm The Voice
8:40pm The Following

Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane

6:00pm Seven News
6:40pm Today Tonight
7:00pm Home and Away

This post updates.

17 Responses

  1. This has been the debate for as long as I can remember. Bombings in Iraq are common-place and remote. Bombings in the US or any western country are rare and, as someone said, there’s plenty of vision. Rightly or wrongly, that’s the reality.

  2. I think it’s probably because places like Baghdad are war zones, so bombs there are pretty common place. Whereas somewhere like the US, especially something like a marathon, it is pretty horrific & not somewhere you would expect a bomb to go off. While it might not be right, that is the way it is.

  3. Well done to virginia trioli on abc breakfast this morning to dare to ask why. bombs go off in the middle east and there is no coverage in the media yet one bomb goes off in one US city and we get blanket coverage in this country. Why is this? Best breakfast show on tv.leaves the commercial networks for dead

  4. Part of the reason for the saturation coverage of the Boston bombing is the availability of pictures. There were camera’s everywhere. If you recall the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand last year, this also had live and lengthy coverage. No doubt, due to the fact that the major quake damage was right near TV studios and news crews.

  5. TEN schedule has The Project now this will get a few more eyeballs. This isn’t that bad compared to what happens in Bahrain since 2011 due to F1

  6. I live in Perth as long as my shows are still on but I see we’re everyone coming from rep the same thing over over agin but happy they bring it to us it sad story

  7. Sunrise showed the press conerence with the Foreign Affairs minister taking questions about Boston. They also showed him answer a question about the Iraq bombings too. They also asked Dr Keith Suter why this is getting more coverage than the Baghdad bombings. I cant remember all of it, but part of his answer was that the marathon is an international event with people from 96 countries competing.

  8. Because there is money to be made by spreading fear and

    This morning ABC TV was holding a long debate that concluded that they couldn’t call bombs full of shrapnel being detonated in a crowd terrorism, according to ABC policy, until they found a source they liked that proved it was terrorism. Presumably in case the attack was carried out by Freedom Fighters.

    Funniest thing I’ve seen in ages. I believe that our universities and the ABC should train people to do journalism, not debate fads in Critical Theory.

  9. although it is a sad story about the Boston Attack, i kind of do agree about the previous responses. Why is it when some countries have tragedies, we don;t really report it until the end of a news servies or in a newspaper, but when it happens in the US or the UK, it’s a ”breaking news” story that goes into continuous stories like this morning.

    It is good that the news is covering it (international news is as important to our local nes). I just hope it continues to other international news too

  10. @Bogues I know where you are coming from. Of course any loss of life is awful especially in these circumstances. The annoyance for me is that once the facts are reported in the first few minutes of the broadcast the rest is just repetition and padding.

  11. Maybe I’m too cynical these days, but when six Americans get killed in Afghanistan by a bomb it is buried deep in the bulletin. Two die in America and the commercial networks drop their whole morning schedule to cover it.

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