
TV critic relocates to LA

Industry gathered last night to farewell longtime Fairfax TV critic Michael Idato, who is relocating to Los Angeles.

2012-04-30_1723Another TV scribe has left the print media building, but only to relocate to more glam surrounds.

Last night industry gathered in Pyrmont to farewell longtime Fairfax TV critic Michael Idato (pictured, left) who is relocating to Los Angeles but will continue to file for the Sydney Morning Herald. That should see him land some good scoops.

Mediaweek reported a ‘who’s who’ of guests including former SMH colleagues Greg Hassall and Doug Anderson, Spectrum editor Louise Schwartzkoff, arts editor John Saxby, Spectrum deputy Gabriel Wilder, sports editor Ian Fuge, rugby league writer Glenn Jackson, Sun-Herald columnist Jo Casamento, Guide editor Scott Ellis, national entertainment editor Monique Farmer, music editor Peter Vincent, Life editor Sue Bennett, SMH tech reporter James W. Manning.

There were nearly as many rival publicists as a Logie event including Heidi Virtue, Angela Alexander, Jo’an Papadopoulos, Vic Buchan, Kate Amphlett, Kristina Echols, Jane Macleod, Asha Burns, David Brown, Jamie Campbell, Lucy Squire, plus Graham Burrells, Alexandra Phillips, Leonie Lowe, Peter Holder and journos Holly Byrnes, Kathy McCabe, Andrew Webster, Joshua Dowling, plus Triple M’s Brenden Wood, TV critic Andrew Mercado and Wentworth producer Jo Porter.

Michael Idato was also recently a consultant on Foxtel’s Wentworth reimagining.

6 Responses

  1. Calling him a TV critic is too flattering. Australian journalists covering TV are never quite sure whether they’re publicists, critics or journos which is why the critical coverage is so poor across Australian print media. The best critic was the blog site Change The Channel but I think it has since closed down, which is a shame as the contribution there with some real analysis even if you didn’t agree with it, was significant.

    1. Sorry I find it very unfair to compare someone who has been working in the industry for decades with any blog where an author remains anonymous. I will always defend a role for online media, citizen journalism and fan sites but when there is anonymity it’s a lot easier to chuck rocks and play snark. The guest list indicates the wide support for Michael Idato and I’m sure many readers here have read his work which is why I filed the story, thanks.

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