
Fresh faces in the limelight

TV is about to put two young stars on the map.

03-207. JARED DAPERIS as SQUIZZYIn the next 8 days television will catapult two young men into the limelight in two very strong lead roles.

Remy Hii stars as Van Nguyen in Better Man on SBS and Jared Daperis in Underbelly: Squizzy.

Both boys underpin their respective dramas and one may well be on the shortlist for Logies best new talent next year.

Although it isn’t the debut for either actor.

Remy Hii is currently in Neighbours playing the prospective gay romance to Chris Pappas (James Mason). Nice to see two diversity boxes ticked there. He has also appeared in H2O: Just Add Water and East of Everything.

Meanwhile Jared Daperis was last seen in Small Time Gangster on Pay TV and has had roles in Holly’s Heroes, Carla Cametti PD, Blue Heelers, Ocean Star, Ponderosa, Stingers, Halifax f.p., Neighbours, Round the Twist, Janus and Lift Off.

But these two dramas will put them on the map.

TV Tonight has feature interviews with both next week!

Better Man 8:30pm Thursday SBS ONE
Underbelly: Squizzy 8:30pm Sunday July 28 Nine

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