
Greek News (from Cyprus) now on SBS

After the Greek govt shutdown its state broadcaster, SBS gets the news from Cyprus.

2013-07-30_1307Following the closure of Greece’s state broadcaster ERT, SBS is now screening Greek News from CyBC Cyprus.

Greek News will now be broadcast via satellite from Cyprus Broadcasting Association, Cyprus.

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras pulled the plug on ERT in early June 11, arguing that it ate up 300 million euros annually and operated without transparency. The move led to 2,600 people sacked, causing international uproar and a major political crisis.

Yahoo reports last week the conservative-led, two-party coalition government managed to pass the bill on the New Hellenic Radio Internet and Television (Nerit S.A.) with 155 votes in a 300-seat parliament.

Greek News (from Cyprus) currently airs 9:30am weekdays on SBS ONE and 3:05pm on SBS 2.

3 Responses

  1. Speaking of News. I guess luckily for SBS News I could only catch the start but I saw enough that they promised a follow up story on series 2 of Go Back to Where You Come From. The same night they were going to repeat it.

    I’m going to give them an obvious secret about people that watch TV. That television has seemed to lost sight of. Which is we want to see something on television. If we didn’t we wouldn’t be watching it.

    So television has a choice. It can either tell the viewers about shows with ads during the ad breaks about their television shows. To encourage and train viewers to watch the ads. Or it can tell them during the programming itself. If the latter is chosen then you choose to try to corrupt the viewer into skipping the ads altogether. Which do you prefer?

  2. I guess it was a tough choice for SBS to make. Stick with the mainland news service from the commercial ANT1 network that they’ve been airing in the last few months, or use a public broadcaster’s service from Cyprus. Also important considering Australia’s Greek population is quite sizable.

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